Out... just out!

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The moment I got out of that house, I felt free but at the same time I felt lost. Where was I supposed to go now? I had no home, no money and not a single person to trust. So where was I really going? The truth was, I didn't really had a way around and I didn't even know where I was going. The further I would go the better. It didn't matter where to go, I just had to get out of here as fast as possible.

This was how I was starting to walk to the next city and trust me, that one was not quite around the corner. I had to walk there and my feet started to kill me on  these heels so I had them in my arms. Walking barefoot was starting to hurt me too as I did walk on some sharp stones as well as uneaven paths which had branches and I was just not used to this.

Anyways, where there was a will there was a way and it was just like that, that I managed to get into the city and stopped at a bridge where I could rest and lean against it. The water below me was quite dark reflecting the sky and the stars above me. It was really looking nice and 

It looks really calm....

I wonder if it would hurt if I would jump right now...

No one would miss me...

No one would actually  morn when I would be gone....

What should I do....

I don't want to feel like this... I don't even know what to do anymore...

What am I supposed to do?

I am not the villainesse here... I can't be the villain .... NO!!!


I could feel tears whell up in my eyes with the only problem that I didn't had any anymore. I cried soo many times by now that I felt dry. So instead of doing this, I started to lean over the edge of the bridge a bit more since it really looked nice and the thought was not as bad. Maybe it would hurt, maybe it wouldn't be as fastly done like being decapitated but it was more peacefull for sure.


Me: .... 

My eyes widened as someone jsut grabbed me from behind and pulled me away from there. I thought it would be one of my brothers, one of my family members but not Winter. The wizards was there with one of his kids following him around. Both of them were wearing masks which meant that they were out doing some charity work or their other type of work.... well who cares! It was none of my business why he was there.

Me: I was just astonished how beautiful the reflection was.

Winter: It's dangerous leaning towards it like that.

Me: And why do you are?

Winter: My lady?

Me: I am doing what I want and we are not related nor do we have anything to do with each other. After the last time, you clearly showed me how little you trust me and I do not want nor wish to continue my relationship with you.

This was honestly all I had to say. I didn't wanted to get involved with Witner at all. I didn't wanted to see any of the 5 guys that I had tried to actually get closer too.

They were my hope... and they were also the demons hidden in the dark shattering all hope that I had. How could this happen?

Well I was delusional and I trusted the wrong people,.... and my very own skills... oh wrong I was.

I tried to actually get free from Winters grasp but in the end this wizard not only grabbed me but he also picked me up before he teleported home to the other children. They seemed all con fused as was I but I was more desperate to get away from here and actually leave everything behind. The longer I would stay with winter the longer I was in danger. The outside world was not as dangerous to me than Winter, Eckless, Calisto, Reynold and Derrick.... these people were after all the ones that would kill me eventually.


Winter: Preventing another Mistake to happen....

Me: Mistake?

Winter: I doubted you which was my mistake and I knew it was wrong to do it but I still tested you.... this time you look lost and depserate... let me help you out.

Me: I do NOT need help.

Winter: Are you sure about that?

Me: I am.

Winter: Then at least rest here for the night.

Me: *sigh* Fine but tomorrow I will be leaving this place.

Winter: Do as you wish.... .but let's discuss this tomorrow at breakfast.

No... there will not be any tomorrow.... I will find a way out here in the middle of the night.

Who knows what will happen in the morning...

I got out for the first time!

I could be free from everything!

I am not risking that...

I will not go back!

Trapped inside a ThunderstormWhere stories live. Discover now