All end point to death!

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Perhaps I was not the best person to sit here right now and just be in the mood I was but I was simply here. I could have stood up and leave but I was here first and I was also too lazy to do so I continued to lay down here. For me being right here with Reynold right now was just a hazle and it was also just pressuring. The man was expecting something from me and I could feel it. Then there was me who just wanted to leave this moment and this place and this life.

Reynold: Penelope.... we will change. I promise-

Me: You shouldn't promise something that you can't keep.

Reynold: ....

Me: Can you leave now?

Reynold: I.... sorry.

For the first time this person did listen to what I said and started to leave this place. Not only that but one should think he was leaving because I asked him but nope. That was not the case. It was Derrick and Calliso who made Reynold leave and I only found out that it was like this, after Reynold left with a warning. 

Reynold: Pardon me......your highness....

I was too lazy and focused on my own feelings to look in the direction. However they were making it not hard to actually see them since Callisto came right to my side and was looking down at me. There was no way I was actually able to not see him.

Callisto: Enjoying life?

Me: I fear you got it wrong. I never enjoyed it, I just lived with it.

Callisto: Did they do something to you?

Me: What do you want?

Callisto: Always to the point, huh?

Me: You wouldn't be standing here to talk with me if you didn't wanted something from me.

Callisto: Come with me.

Me: With you?

Callisto: Yes. Come with me and leave this place.

Me: Why should I?

Callisto: I can give you a better life.

Me: And why do you think I am interested in life itself?

Callisto: .....

Me: If we are done talking, can you two leave me be again?

Callisto: .... *sigh* what happened to you?

Me: Hah... are you asking because you are blind or because you are ignorant as well?

Callisto: What do you mean?

Me: You don't love me and want me to go with you because of mutually benefits. Did you ever think about how much I would be in danger if I would come with you? The queen, your brother, all your enemies will become mine within a single second. They would come at me, try to kill me as much as you. Do you think I would be able to get over a poison attack, or getting stabbed? 


I saw how his eyes widened and his jaw dropped quite a bit. He couldn't say that I was wrong since we would be only a couple for show. Behind the curtains we would be partner but at what cost? Besides who told me that he wouldn't come at me once he saw Ivonne?


This was way to risky.

Besides this man did tell me that he was not loving me at all .... where I sincerely hoped that he wouldn't think this way at all. 

Me: Would you come to safe me? Can you promise to take care of me? To give me a life without fearing death or being alone?

Callisto: I...I... I can't .....

Me: Then leave this estate and leave me alone. We have nothing to say to each other anymore.

Callisto seemed to get the point or so I thought until he came over to lay right beside me. This was something I didn't think he would do. Especially not after I had just told him my thoughts without the glitter and glam and all the things to make it sound better. The reality was a harsh one and this was just it.

Callisto: Why did you do it then? 

Me: Huh?

Callisto: You don't seem like the type of person to end your own life from one day to the other one.

Me: ......

Callisto: You are quite bold to tell me what you think and rejecting me like this but... what about your own situation. Why are you trying to escape it and not fight it?

Me: ......

Callisto: The Penelope I know and saw would fight till the end.

Me: You want the reason?

Callisto: Yes.

Me: Death. 

Callisto: Death?

Me: Yes, all end point to my death. 

Callisto: I don't-

Me: A villainess is destined to die.

This was all I had to say to them. I couldn't stand being with any one anymore so I stood up and just left the crown prince on the ground and my brother standing there as well. All that I said was true... the only question was how they would deal with this.

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