World Champion

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Lotties POV
" The new World Champion! Lottie Fry, Ladies and gentlemen!" The commenter said. It felt unreal. I was a World Champion! Glamourdale walked around the dressage area and looked proud. This horse was unbelievable! I patted him,waved to the crowd and cried of happiness, I felt so overwhelmed. Everything I gave up for this, the sleepless nights, the schedules, all the pain and hate, everything lead up to this. I took the reins loose in my hands and let Glams walk out of the arena. As we got to the gate, Charlotte and my Groom walked up to us. "You made it Lottie!", Charlotte said, tears in her eyes. Still on her horse, her best friend hugged her tight and only let go of her, when Glamourdale moved his head around. We both laughed. Then my mom approached us: " I'm so proud of you Lottie. Now you are World Champion!" " Thanks mom. Where's dad?", I asked. " I'm sorry sweetie, he wanted to watch the Race." Of course, some grande prix was more important than the Championship of his own daughter. Typically. I don't know if I should be surprised or not, I mean he always watched it but I didn't think, that he would miss my moment just to watch cars drive around. " It's okay, I'm just gonna show him my routine when we're home. Now let me get of this horse, or he's gonna be mad." I laughed it off. I got off Glams and gave his reins to my groom. We had a 20 Minute break and after that, we had to go to the warmup area. A Employee put the purple winning-rug and the rosettes on Glamourdale and the Gold Medal around my neck. Then Charlotte gave me a quick leg up and I took the reins. Now it was my time to shine! " Ladys and gentleman, please welcome our new World Champions. Charlotte Fry and Glamourdale!" The comenter announced us. I let Glams trot on and changed his trot into a passage. * We made it! We are the World Champions!* I thought.

 * We made it! We are the World Champions!* I thought

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Liked by @FEI.dressage and 71.296 others
@Charlotte.Fry.official  We made it Guys 💜 I can't describe how proud I am of this horse! Glamourdale just deserves the world right now. Thanks to my Team, @Charlotte.Dujardin and all the fans ! It wouldn't have happened without you

@Carlotte.Dujardin You deserve it Lottie💜
> @Charlotte.Fry.official thanks Char💜

@FEI.dressage Our Champs💜💪🏻
> @Charlotte.Fry.official 💜 OMG congratulations 🍾
> @ Charlotte.Fry.official Thanks ☺️

@user1 what an incredible Freestyle

@user4 That looked terrible🤮🤢Your such an abuser

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I hope this was okay
If you have any questions( or wishes ) please ask
Xoxo Nele

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