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Lotties POV
"What?" He looked surprised. "It's okay if you want to leave me. I understand if you do." I mumbled. "No, I'm not going to leave you. So first thing first: Do you want to keep it?" I could see hope in his eyes. "I don't know, do you?" "I do. I'm going to be a father. And you need to stop riding. Like now, okay?" "Fine. By the way, I'm two months  in already. Isn't that crazy?" "It is. My god, I'm gonna be a father" He was happy. But I was a mess, I didn't want kids in the first place. How was this possible. "And the other bad news are, that my ankle in broken" he frowned "it's not bad news, I mean the baby news"

*time skip of 3,5 months*
It was hard, that's an understatement. In the last few weeks, I was suffering under an extreme headache, wich was constantly. My nights were sleepless, but luckily Lando didn't know anything. He would worry about nothing. But the headaches got worst. We got the news that the baby was a girl. Lando and I were still thinking about names. I also didn't attend any races, the public didn't know anything about it yet.

Lando's POV
Lottie has been off lately, she sometimes looks like she's in pain. Also she couldn't sleep at night, well from the things I realized. The good news were that we'll be getting a baby girl. I was so excited, and so far, she was perfectly healthy. Still, I was worried about Lottie. She had dark circles under her eyes, couldn't eat probably and still threw up. At least sometimes. From all I knew, it wasn't healthy. But there was nothing I could do. Today was race day, I also wanted to tell the guys about it. They still didn't know it, wich was funny. Normally I couldn't keep my mouth shut, but this secret was big. And it was the last race of the season. I was starting from pole, so I obviously wanted to win.
As I crossed the finish line, I was the Grand Price winner. THE WINNER! Everybody greeted me with a hug and we were celebrating my first win.
I was sitting with the other drivers on a table, we were just a few guys having drinks. At the table were Max, Carlos, Charles, George, Oscar and Daniel. "Guys, I have news" I started confident. "Lottie is pregnant" The table went quiet and Charles, who was clearly drunk, asked, "So in how many months am I going to be the godfather?" With this sentence, he started an huge argument. "I'm going to be that." Carlos cleared. "In about 3 Months." "Mate, a pregnancy lasts for nine months." Max started. "I'm aware of that. Lottie is in the sixth month." Everyone looked at me in a shock. Then they started to congratulate.

The Champs ( Lando Norris & Lottie Fry)Where stories live. Discover now