The Grand Prix

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Landos POV
It was Monday and I was on a plane back to England, with the worst hangover ever. My Day started at 1 pm, because of the party yesterday. P2 was an amazing result! I decided to scroll through insta and saw my sisters post.

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@Flo.Norris what a great opportunity meeting Lottie Fry and Deep in Diamond💎

What? Flo met her? How? I had to ask her, even if she was going to laugh at me, so I'm going to call her. Later, when I landed. So I fell asleep.

About an hour later I was on the phone with my sister.
L: Hey Flo, I need a favor.
F: Hi Lan, not even a ' How are you' ?
L: Okay, Okay. So dear sister, how are you?
F: Fine. What do you need?
L: You met Charlotte Fry, right?
F: Yes, and it was amazing! I mean, I was so lucky -
L: How? And where?
F: So you want information of Lottie?
L: You know her, like as a friend?
F: I'll take that as a Yes. So no, I don't know her as a friend, but I can give you information about her.
L: Please start
F: So she is 22 and dressage world Champion. She has a pony named Deepi and a horse named golden boy. She also rides Glamourdale and some other horses for competitions. Oh, and she has a cat named Claire.
L: Thanks, but I feel like I could have googled it

In the evening I was laying in my room and watched a film with my best friend Max. Some Disney film he chose. He was obsessed with them. "Ready for the Grand Prix next Weekend?", Max asked. "As ready as I can be, and I'm happy you're coming with me." "Mhm. Are you even watching the film?",Max said completely focused on it. " Yeah, to 100%" " So what's its name?" Fuck, he got me. I looked at the screen, but Max already paused it. "Okay, so what is wrong with you? You've been so off lately, are you okay? Is it the hate?" , he got worried. "No, I'm completely fine. I just met someone, well met is to much to say, rather saw someone.", I answered honestly. "Oh, so little Norris has a crush. On who, you've gotta tell me everything!" " So her name is Charlotte Fry, I bumped into her and she followed me back. Oh and she's the reining Dressage World Champion." "Okay, okay. You're obsessed with her, Poor thing.", he joked. " Very funny." ,I sarcastically said.

It was Saturday and I was walking around on the paddock, my mood was good. FP1 and 2 went well, the weather was good too and it was lunch time. Max Verstappen came running towards me, with a big smirk. "I'm going to save your day mate. Guess who I saw?" "Who?", I asked curious. I had an idea, but it was impossible, it couldn't be true. I mean she said it herself, she probably wasn't going to be here ever again. "I said guess you idiot, but I don't have centuries. So, I saw Lottie", a big smile appeared on my face. "Where is she?" " At the Red Bull hospitality, go talk to her!"and with that he leaves me.

As I walk in the Red Bull hospitality, I only see her. Her hair is half way up in a claw clip, she's wearing a dark blue sweater and sunglasses. Right now, it looks like she's talking to Kelly, when she's laughing she throws her head back and her eyes sparkle. Suddenly I get nervous, should I talk to her? And how? I mean, what if she doesn't like me, or thinks that I'm annoying? To late, Kelly spotted me: "Lando! I haven't seen you in a while. How are you?" As soon as she hears my name, she turns around and looks me directly in the eyes. Oh lord, her eyes. They are brown, but still beautiful. "Hi Kelly, I'm good and you?" " Good. But I think you haven't met Lottie yet." She answered. "Hi, nice to meet you. I mean we already met, but we didn't really met. So ehem, yeah I'm Lando." , why am I talking so much. " Hi, Lando. I'm Charlotte, but you can call me Lottie." She had a special way of saying my name. I liked it. " You guys want to get lunch together?" I asked. " I can't. Max and I wanted to eat together, but you could go.", Kelly said with a wink to me. Fuck. Was I that obvious? "If you want to, sure" Lottie smiled at me.

The Champs ( Lando Norris & Lottie Fry)Where stories live. Discover now