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Lotties POV
How did I end up eating lunch with Lando? I don't even know, but here we are just talking about our jobs. "So you seriously have to ride horses at shows and after that, you also have to work out? I've once had a riding lesson on my sisters horse and afterwards I was completely done", he was shocked. " Well, not if I fall and get hurt of course, but that happens barely. I mean that getting hurt part, I fall a lot.", That's true. I really fall a lot of my horses. Especially of Deepi and young horses. " Wow, but what are you doing in the summer?" " I don't know, I have a lot of competitions and also Olympia, so I won't go anywhere special. Maybe like a weekend or a few days somewhere on an island. When I find someone to take care of my horses of course." "We could go somewhere together, I mean I could come to one of your competitions? Only if you want me to." He proposed. " Yeah, that could be possible. I can send you the information you need per Instagram. And what are you up to?"
The talk continued, until he had some media duties. So I returned to Kelly in the hospitality.

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                        Liked by @Maxverstappen1 and 145799 others

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                        Liked by @Maxverstappen1 and 145799 others

@Charlotte.Fry.official thanks for an amazing weekend. All eyes on the European Championships next week. Let's go team 🇬🇧

@kellypiquet so nice to meet you
  - @Charlotte.Fry.official you are so nice 😊

@Landonorris why red Bull?
- @Maxverstappen1 don't be jealous, we're just better
- @mclaren @Charlotte.Fry.official come to us next time no way, she stays with us

@user omg, why are Redbull and McLaren fighting over her 😂

@Lottie.Fan is it just me or is she a Redbull fan
- she should be a McLaren fan instead
  -@Landonorris I agree🤞🏼

@user3 She's so ugly🤢

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The pictures I posted gave me a lot of hate. Also positive comments but I only see the negative ones. Was I really that ugly? Or fat? Maybe I should lose some weight, or a lot. But now I'm just focused on my training with Glams. The European Championships were in a few days and we are ready to rock. But so was Jessica and I wanted to show everyone that I could do it. After Training, Char and I wanted to go on a little hack with the horses to cool down. " So how are things with Lando?" She asked. "I don't know, good I guess. I mean, he's amazing, and handsome and famous and I'm just me.", I was starting to think what the comments said. It was getting worse and I couldn't even eat without the thought of getting fat. " Stop thinking like that! Lottie, you're amazing, and beautiful. When he doesn't think that way, he doesn't deserve you. Now, should we go shopping?" I love Charlotte, she was amazing. " Yes, but where. Maybe Le mieux ?" "To 100%"

         Liked by @Charlotte

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Liked by @Charlotte.Fry.official and 27784 others
@Charlotte.Dujardin Last hack for Valegro before the EC 2023 @Charlotte.Fry.official

@Carlotte.Fry.official Glams needed it

@FEI.dressage Gossiping
-@Charlotte.Dujardin as always 🤫

@user why is she even friends with an abuser like Fry

Lando wanted to come to the European championships and I was so excited.He's going to arrive today and tomorrow's going to be the big day. Charlotte and I were just grooming our horses when she stated talking about Lando. " I am so excited to meet him. I mean,you to are practically dating and-" "We aren't! He doesn't see me that way.", I wished he does. I am practically in love and he wants to be friends or whatever. "Has he told you that?" " No, not exactly" " Then it's not true. Just wait" she assures me.

I was standing at the airport, waiting for Lando to arrive. After about 5 Minutes, a person came running towards me with an incredible speed. "LOTTIE!!", he shouts and hugs me. It's a tight and strong hug, as if he hadn't seen me for years. "Lando! How was your flight?" " Way to long. I've been excited the hole flight. So, when are you going to have the first practice, I wanna watch it.", it was cute how excited he was. "It's in an hour, but if you won't let me go, we aren't going to make it in time"

The Champs ( Lando Norris & Lottie Fry)Where stories live. Discover now