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Landos POV
It was finally Winterbreak, Lottie and I were just laying on the couch. She's been tired lately and also a bit distant. She was talking. "Lan, we really need to get a name." I nodded. "What do you think about Amalia, or maybe something with L. Yes, maybe Lia." "Then we could-" She winced in pain. Her eyes were shut, but slowly, her face was even again. "Lottie! What happened?" Fuck. I tried to wake her up, only to realize that she had lost consciousness. "No, please wake up" I was now screaming. I quickly called an ambulance.
After about 10 minutes of trying to wake her up, the ambulance arrived. They searched for a pulse, but they took forever. "There's nothing. Try to reanimate her!" One of the doctors said. They pulled her on the floor, desperately trying to help her. Everything was like in a slow motion. This couldn't be happening right now. It couldn't be true. "Time of death: 19:34" the doctor said. "No, no" I yelled, trying to move towards the love of my life, only to realize I was held back. "We have to get her to the hospital, the child is still alive." I think in this moment, I didn't even knew if I still wanted it. The got her in the ambulance, one of the nurses still held me back. "Sir, is there anyone who you could contact? Someone who could take care of you?" "My best friend." I answered, still in a trance.
*Max POV*
I was streaming, when Lando called me. "Sorry Chat, Norris is calling me" I answered the call. The first thing I heard were sobs. What the fuck happened? "Lando?" "She's dead, max. She's-" "who?" Now I was concerned. I quickly ended the stream and got my keys. There was still sobbing. "Lan, I'm on my way, okay?" "Yes, please hurry" "I'm on my way!"

Lando's POV
As soon as Max hugged my, I couldn't keep it together. It was like something inside of me broke. After I explained everything to him, we were in the car on our way to the hospital. I was in a waiting room when a nurse came up to me "Are you mr. Norris?" I just nodded. "Your daughter is on station, as far as we can tell, she's completely healthy. You can see her if you want." Wait what? I was a dad now, but I was alone. "We'll be there in a second." Max answered, then he hugged me tightly. "Mate, you're a dad. And I'm an uncle. Now let's go see your girl" he said, pulling me up.
There she was, tiny, but still perfect. She looked like Lottie. "Do you have a name yet?" Max asked. "Amalia" I said.
After disinfecting my hands, I was holding Lias little one. She was holding it and a tear fell down my cheek. "I'll always take care of you, Lia"

The Champs ( Lando Norris & Lottie Fry)Where stories live. Discover now