The Interview

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Lotties POV
It was a Saturday and I was an a race track. Funny, because that was the last place I would ever go to, but here I was. Walking around with my PR William and Char. " Remind me, what am I doing here?", I asked William annoyed. " You are here to do some interviews and challenges with Max Verstappen, the reining Formula 1 World Champion. And you are going to be nice and polite." I sighed " Oh, Lottie please! Come on, it's not that hard, I'm sure he's nice" William assured me. The Question was, why I answered the Emails with the request for the interviews, I could have just thrown them away. But I guess, I thought that Dad would be proud of me. He never said a word about the World title, so I didn't either, I'm not sure if he even knows or If he just thinks that it isn't that hard.
I was deep in my thoughts, when I bumped into someone. I didn't have that much speed, but it was still not the best experience. " Are you okay? I'm sorry, but I didn't pay attention to where I was going.", he started fast. I took a step back without looking at him: " It's okay, as long as I remember it takes two people to bump into each other so I'm guilty too. I'm sorry, I was in my thoughts." He gave me a cute smile. " I've never seen you around here, who do you work for?" There it was, he was going to laugh at me when I would tell him my Job, but something on him made me calm so I decided to go with the truth. " I'm here for an interview with Verstappen. But No, I was never here before and probably won't be here again." I actually wanted to say hopefully, but I don't think that would have been the best answer. If I said that to my dad, he would have made my life hell, at least for a month. There was an awkward pause, he looked like he wanted to ask something, but he didn't. So she quickly took things into her own hands:" So, bye!" " Yeah, bye!" He responded with an disappointed look on his Face.

We arrived at the red Bull hospitality and got microphones on. After the interviews were done, I was talking to the driver Max Verstappen and to be honest, he wasn't that bad. In fact, I thought he was actually nice. " So, are you coming to the next Grand Prix in Silverstone?" Max asked. " No, I won't, you know, I have to compete too. But I think its unnecessary to ask you, isn't it?", I joked. " Yeah, it is. Where is your competition?" "It's in Germany, equitana. But it isn't that big, so it'll probably be an easy job.", I said looking on my Watch: "Well, I've gotta get going. Good luck tomorrow. I'll see if I can make it to the race, so see you!l" " Okay bye and thanks. By the way, your welcome in our hospitality."

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@Charlotte.Fry.official Look out on the Red Bull YouTube channel, there's a little surprise for you🤗 🤫

@Charlotte.Dujardin OMG my Best friend is sooo 🥵
- @Charlotte.Fry.official ever looked in the mirror?

@Maxverstappen1 It was fun
- @Charlotte.Fry.official it definitely was

@user I'm so excited for this partnership, they are both so alike Who is she?!

@user7 you are so gorgeous
- @Charlotte.Fry.official thanks🙃

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