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Lotties POV
When I woke up, there was a beeping sound. I felt dizzy and tired, My hand was burning and I couldn't feel my left arm. When I opens my eyes, I realized I was in the hospital. What happened? I couldn't remember how I got here, the last thing was that I got on Golden Boy. After that, nothing. Not a single memory. I heard someone running towards my room. Shortly after, the door bursted open and Lando came in, with a worried look on his face. When he noticed me, he ran towards me and hugged me. I sharply breathed in, when he did so. The first thing I felt in my arm was a sharp pain. As he realized he was hurting me, he quickly let go. "How are you doing? Are you okay?", he started to panic. "I'm fine. Really." "No, you're not. Lottie, you're in the hospital and you've said you're fine, all the time." He sounded angry " But you clearly weren't. Do you know how worried I was?" "I'm sorry. Really. But what about your race?" He looked at me, like I got crazy. "I don't give a fuck. You need me right now and I know you would do the exact same thing. So, what's the damage?" I swallow. I don't know yet. " I don't know, but nothing serious. It's just a few bruises." He got mad again. His eyes were stormy and dark. But he wasn't mad at me, I felt it. " If it would be just a few bruises, you didn't need surgery." Then a doctor entered the room.
" Miss Fry, how are you feeling?" " I'm good, but what's the damage?" First the doctor looked confused but then she understood. "So, a few bruises and a sport fracture at your left elbow-" " Can I compete at the Olympics?", the only question in my mind right now. " You can. But it's a risk. And you need to eat more. You passed out because you didn't eat enough." I nod smiling. "When you compete now, there is a chance that it will never heal again. But it's your desition."
After she left, I broke out in tears. But I knew my answer. I was going to compete, no matter what. "It's okay, you don't need to take part this year. Next time will be perfectly fine too", so he thought I wouldn't do it. I didn't argue with him now, just let him hug me. It felt good, calming. He stroked my back and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I needed to stay here till tomorrow morning. Now that the painkillers were stopping to work, I was hurting like hell. Worst than hell. It hurt even more when he hugged me, but I didn't want to tell him so. I scooted over to let him crawl in my bed. I cried myself in the sleep.

             Liked by @Charles

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Liked by @Charles.Leclerc and 1789634 others
@Charlotte.Fry.official The last Weekend was very eventful. I fell of Golden Boy and it ended here. Thanks for being there for me @Landonorris🤍

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