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Lotties POV
Lando was at his race and I was just training. With my new horse Royal Lord of Rolls Royce, aka Rolo. This horse was crazy, he was talented but also extremely spicy. He exploded every few minutes. I fell at least five times per lesson, jumping was dangerous and I'm sure one of my rips is broken. My whole body was covered in bruises, every movement hurt and also I had a lot of scares. I was warming Rolo up, trotting around the arena.

 I was warming Rolo up, trotting around the arena

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               Liked by @Charlotte

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Liked by @Charlotte.Dujardin and 462341 others
@Charlotte.Fry.official ⚜️Everybody meet Royal Lord of Rolls Royce⚜️
A 3 year old hannoveranien show jumping youngster

@Charlotte.Dujardin this horse is another level 🤩
-@Charlotte.Fry.official you can ride him if you want 😉
-@Charlotte.Dujardin do you want to kill me?

@Landonorris sure he's save?
-@Charlotte.Dujardin he's definitely not, but don't worry. She knows what she's doing How can I buy such a horse?
-@Charlotte.Fry.official Look for the young and fresh ones I hope she dies while riding that horse
-@Landonorris WTF

@user she's just abusing it

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I was at the doctor's because I fell of Rolo. "So, I need you to rest. So no sport, okay?" I nodded quickly, then went back home. My ankle was killing me, and I've been nauseous lately. Overall, the Grand Prix tomorrow wouldn't be easy. But I just had to be careful, I had a bad feeling about it. It would be the first one with Rolo. Also soon, Lando and I would be half a year together. That's crazy.

In the next morning, I got ready for our jumping round. I already threw up in the night and was definitely pale, but I had to get through it. While warming up, I tried not to put pressure on my right ankle. But right before it was our turn, I did it. I heard a cracking sound and a sharp pain in my ankle. Fuck. Still with pain, we entered the arena. The round was good, until I suddenly felt dizzy. In a matter of seconds, everything went black. The last thing I felt was me falling on the ground.

Lando's POV
I screamed. On my way home to Lottie, I was watching her Grand Prix round. It was going well until she fell, a nasty one. But why? I immediately called her best friend Charlotte.
C: Hey Lando!
L: hey. What happened to Lottie?
C: She passed out but she's awake already. They are bringing her into the hospital
L: Okay, text me the informations. I land in about half an hour

Fuck. Why would she pass out?

When I hurried into her room in the hospital, her eyes were puffy and red, like she had cried a lot. "What happened Lottie?" I asked, pulling her into a hug. "Lando, I'm- I'm pregnant" "What?"

The Champs ( Lando Norris & Lottie Fry)Where stories live. Discover now