European Championships

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Landos POV
I was standing at the side of a dressage ring and watched Lottie dance with Glamourdale. It looked so effortless and concentrated at the same time, just amazing. I decided to shoot some photos.

             Liked by @mclaren and 4567523 others @Landonorris @Charlotte

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Liked by @mclaren and 4567523 others
@Landonorris @Charlotte.Fry.official and Glamourdale showing off their skills ✨

@Charlotte.Fry.official thanks for those amazing pictures 🤗
- @Landonorris always

@mclaren @Charlotte.Fry.official come to McLaren

@Norrisfan Why her?
-@user6 yes, she's so fat and ugly OMG 😱 i ship them

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We were in the stables talking about tomorrow, when Lottie got an idea. "You wanna sit on Glams?" " What? Is it safe?", I asked scared. Don't get me wrong, I am not scared of horses, but he could get hurt and then she couldn't ride tomorrow. " It is. Just hop on for a few minutes, nothing special. It's not like you're going to Galopp him.", she looked confident. "Okay then, let's go!"

                                                       Story posted I took Lottie out for dinner

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I took Lottie out for dinner. Like an actual date. She looked beautiful, with her long hair loose and the prettiest dress ever. It fits her perfectly and she looks like a model. "It's nice here. And the food is delicious too", she looked me straight in the eyes and everything seemed to stop for a second. I wanted to kiss her, but not in public. I don't want to kiss her the first time and see it tomorrow all over social media. But besides that, I'm sure she wants that too. The way she looks at me, her eyes sparkle and how she looked on my lips. " We should definitely do this more often, only if you want of course." " Lando Norris, is this the way you ask me to date you?", I feel the blood rush into my cheeks. She looked mad. Fuck, how stupid can I even be? But then she starts laughing. " You should have seen your face, hilarious. But I would love to. But next time I choose okay?" I nodded. She could ask me for everything, I would do it.

The next morning, my alarm went off. 8 am, Time for breakfast. After eating, I went to Lottie in the stables. She already wore her dressage show coat, a bun and her white riding clothes. She smiled at me. " You made it. How did you sleep?" " Good, and you? Are you ready?", she looked ready. " I am. It's time for the warm up, so you can already take a seat outside." I nodded . And gave her a hug, I wanted to kiss her, but she should concentrate on her routine. 30 minutes later, the commentator announced her name. " Please Welcome Charlotte Fry and her 12 year old stallion Glamourdale." Their freestyle was amazing,when she was finished, the hole crowd was cheering. I immediately got up and walked towards her. She looked so happy and proud, it was cute to see. Her groom took her horse while she hugged me. When I pulled away, I kissed her. It was amazing, her lips were sweet and soft, like I imagined them to be. After she pulled away, she smiled at me. I finally did it, I kissed her. That day was the best day of my life.

The Champs ( Lando Norris & Lottie Fry)Where stories live. Discover now