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Landos POV
After FaceTimeing Lottie, I couldn't sleep. She was obliviously lying about the crying, but I have no idea why. But it's sure that she didn't because of a film. Maybe, I don't know her well. I've only seen her crying of happiness and that wasn't the case here. The sparkle in her eyes was gone, she was pale and from her post, you could see that she got skinnier. A lot in just two weeks. That's not healthy, I'm not an expert but that's obvious. But I haven't seen her since European championships. A lot could happen between that, somebody died or she was just under pressure, I know the second one well, but I don't cry.
After training, I met up with the drivers in Monaco. We were on a yacht and it was the perfect weather. "Lando, wanna get the jet skis?", Charles asked. "Let's go mate"

                                                                Story posted "How's Lottie?", Max asked

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"How's Lottie?", Max asked. " Better question, who's Lottie?", after Charles comment, everybody laughed. "Some girl Lando is after. She's really nice." , Max answered for me. "We have to meet her man!", of course this comment came from Charlos. "She's busy training for the Olympics in the summer. But afterwards she's coming to a race." "Olympics, huh? Fancy. What discipline?", now Pierre joined the gossip. "Dressage. She is the World and European champion. So the pressure is pretty high." "And how is she handling it?", Charlos was really interested. "I don't know, she cried yesterday when I called her and she's lost a lot of weight.", in their eyes, I see concern. They know how much it can get. Suddenly my phone vibrated. It was Lottie so I quickly stud up and excused myself. When I picked up, I was surprised. It wasn't Lotties voice, it was a strange voice. "Hey, Lando. I'm Charlotte, Lotties best friend.", she sounded out of breath. "Hi Charlotte, what's up? And why are you calling me over her phone?" "Ok, listen. Listen to me until I'm finished and don't do anything until I'm done. Do you understand?",I started to worry. " Ehm, yeah. Now you're making me nervous, but yes, I understand." "So, Lottie passed out while riding and fell in the fence at the side of the arena. She's now in the hospital, but there was something wrong with her arm. Before she fell. She's now in surgery. You can come after your race. But not now, she's not in danger." Fuck. I needed to get there. I have to be there for her, now more than ever. I walked back to the guys and as I wanted to say goodbye, Charlos already started talking. " You're alright man? You look pale, what happened?" "Lotties in the hospital. She fell off her horse and is right now in surgery. Her friend said I shouldn't come, but I need to be there for her." They all got pale. "And you are going to, but you need to race tomorrow. It's important, you've got-" " No, Max. If Kelly would be in the hospital, would you go to her? You would. So I will be there for Lottie. I can miss one race, she's more important than any race to me." Max nodded agreeing. "Call Zac, he will understand. I'm sure.", Charlos assured me. "I will. Bye guys"

Zak understood. He said to call him if I got news. He really was like a father to me. Right now I'm in a plane, wich is way to slow for my opinion. Was she out of surgery yet? She should. It's over an hour. I already organized the address from her PR William, who I told I needed it for planning.

When I arrived at the hospital, I went to the resorption and smiled a sad smile. "Hallo, do you might know in wich room Charlotte Fry is?" "I know where she is, who are you to her?" "I'm her boyfriend.", that's might not true, but our relationship is difficult to explain. " She's in Room 356, in the second floor.", finally. "Thanks. I'm on my way." "Your welcome"

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