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"So you're telling me, this whole manor is free range?" I laughed.

"I mean, yeah." He laughed back at me, throwing his arms up like he was king of the castle, "my dad is Merlin knows where, doing Merlin knows what, to who. He barely remembers I exist." He huffed, throwing himself back on his bed.

"Don't say that." I put my bag down, "thank you. For inviting me, really." I smiled, looking at the collection of books on his wall.

"Seriously? I'd rather you be here than a girls home." He huffed, moving himself to the edge of his bed, "a girls home for witches nonetheless, must be a mad house. Anyway, we've been friends for ages, I couldn't let you spend another summer there. It isn't right. We all live our life's and you're just, trapped."

"Well, like I said, thanks Matt." I smiled.

"Of course, make your self at home, pretty girl."

I jumped up and checked the clock. 6:09 a.m. I was sweating, gasping for air and annoyed. That was nearly 10 months ago. Why the fuck was I dreaming of it now?


I started at my ceiling trying to get some sleep. I didn't have to be up for another two hours, but I certainly didn't want to return to that dream.

He haunted me in every way. Even when he wasn't in front of me, his thoughts and actions stained my memory.

I wish I never ever seen that text.

I felt my phone vibrate and looked at it, and my stomach turned at the emoji I saw.

6:12 a.m

You don't get to be mad at me.
Go fuck Anthony.
Go fuck Theo.
Go do whatever it is you want to do.
I'm fucking done.

6 am?
Finally sent her home?
You arrogant prick, I was trying to apologize and make it right.
But I have no idea what I even was apologizing for.
You're nothing to me, as made very clear.
Yet I still cared about your feelings.

Yeah, you are pathetic.
This whole fucking thing was pathetic.

Go fuck your self, Mattheo.

I got someone for that.

I threw my phone clear across the room, and threw my hands over my face in frustration. I kicked and screamed into a pillow. Being 17 should not be this fucking hard. Nothing should be this fucking hard.

I cried myself back to sleep, where my dreams haunted me more.

"I think this has been one of the best summers of my life." I laughed, laying on the cold ground, of the Riddle Manor gardens.

"I agree." He brought his gaze from the stars over to me.

"Seriously I can't thank you enough." I looked at him.

"Would you stop thanking me. It's annoying." He rolled his eyes, "you always have a home here. You don't deserve to be alone."

A small tear formed in my eye, I wasn't used to being wanted.

"Oh cut the shit, I'm being serious." He let out a dry laugh, "have I ever told you how beautiful you are?"

"Matt, stop." I couldn't help my cheeks from blushing, "I told you this flirting is pointless."

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