In there.

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That note woke something in me. As if something snapped back into place. As of the two months of me completely abusing my body, were for nothing. As if I knew what I had to do the whole time, and ignored it.

Not anymore.

I could recognize that handwriting from a mile away.

I slammed my book shut and ran out of my door.

Down into the common room.

I promised him I would always be here to bring him back, and all I have been doing is letting him stray further and further away.

Letting my self stray further and further away.


I can't believe it.

"Where the fuck are you rushing too?!" Enzo looked up from his book.

"Don't worry!" I yelled back, not slowing down.

"Yn! Don't go up there! I know where you're going!" He yelled and I ignored him, "yn! Merlin!"

It's like my feet weren't moving fast enough.

I can't believe how much time I wasted.

"Yn!" I heard Enzo's fading voice calling me from the stairs.

I still ran.

I swung Mattheos new dorm door open, and room I've never been in. A room with no memories of us.




He sat at his desk with Astoria to his side, and Draco at the other, going over some pages of a text book, I'm assuming a project.

"Yn?" Draco quickly shot up.

"The room, please." I was nearly out of breath, but I stood my ground.

"Excuse me?" Astoria turned to face me.

"I know you aren't deaf Greengrass." I had a zero tolerance policy for anything including her, and right now seeing her this close to him made me think dark thoughts.

Mattheo just gave a quick glance over his shoulder, and let out a little huff.

"Now, Astoria." I snapped.

She gave me a once over and leaned down to Mattheo, whispering something in his ear, before rolling her eyes and leaving.

Draco stopped at my side.

"What are you doing here?" He whispered.

"Something I should've done a long time ago." I mumbled, pushing him out of the room.

Silence ate the room for a few moments, he still sat with his back to me and his head in his book.

I didn't think this through.

Now that I was here, I had no fucking idea what to say.

I just knew I had to say something.

Do something.

"I would love to hear this, Rossier." He said without turning to me.

"Matt." I whispered, I was trying to regain the same courage that carried me here, but hearing his voice just reminded me of that night.


No. No. No.

You got this.

"Don't call me that." He snapped, finally shooting up from his desk, "what the fuck are you doing here anyway?"

"You know," I began, "you never properly broke up with me. Never gave me a reason, an excuse, a stupid line," I let out a small laugh, inching closer to him, "just your hands around my neck, and not in the ways I've missed."

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