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"Theodore! Truth or dare?" Pansy laughed, as we were all snuggled by a fire in the common room.

"I told you! It's Theo!" He huffed, "and truth!"

"Fine. Who's your best friend?" She smiled.

"That's easy! Yn!" He said and smiled in my direction. As he looked around for who to ask, he giggled to himself and finally said, "Mattheo, truth or dare?"

"Uh, truth." He whispered. He was so quiet, I assumed I knew why.

"Are you happier here?" Theo said with a straight face, they knew of each other before we started this year. Their fathers were... acquaintances.

"I don't want to leave." He said with a small smile.

"Yeah, I really like it here." Pansy added.

"Yn... truth or dare?" Mattheo finally asked me, after a moment of happiness.

"Um, truth? Seems reoccurring." I laughed.

"Scared?" He laughed, he had a smart mouth tendency to him.

"Not at all Mattheo." I cocked my head up, "dare me then."

"Ah. Finally!" Tiny Draco malfoy yelled.

"I dare you, eat seven fire imps!" He laughed.

And I did.

And we all laughed and laughed, until we cried.

But that was six years ago, on our first last night at hogwarts.

And I couldn't help but think of those moments now, how everything has changed, and yet nothing at all.

"Of course you say that Draco!" Pansy laughed, "I'm game!"

"It's tradition Parkinson!" Draco screamed back at her.

And i couldn't help the smile tugging on my lips.

"Fine, you first malfoy." Enzo said, as he cracked open another fire Whiskey.

"I mean, obviously. Okay, yn first. Truth or dare darling?"

"As tradition calls it then, truth." I said with the same smile.

"Ah, of course. Fine, is it true you're worried of what riddle will get into this summer?" He had a wicked smile, as he handed me the serum.

But I drank it, and calmly replied, "No. He knows what to do, and that I'm here."

"Lighter truths, please malfoy" Mattheo scoffed.

"Perhaps you're right, my bad, let's restart. Yn; what the worst spell you've used this year?" Draco tried to turn it around.

I felt my stomach turn, as I had to tell the truth.

"Oh, uh" I laughed, "obliviate."

"Merlin!" Theo gasped.

"That's an interesting one. Who was the lucky person?" Enzo raised an eye brow.

"A third year actually, walked in on me doing something I wasn't supposed to, and had to take care of it before I got kicked out of school." I laughed.

And they shockingly bought it.

The game continued, old memories were brought up, and we started playing like we were twelve again.

By the end of the night; everyone was absolutely wasted. Our stomachs hurt from all of the laughing, and we could barely stand.

"Theooooo! Truth or dare?!" Enzo stumbled through the question.

"Truth!" He laughed back.

"Who is your favorite person here?" He laughed.

"We all know this one!" Draco sounded annoyed.

"Matty of course!" Theo threw his arms up.

"What?!" Enzo laughed, "when did riddle surpass yn?!"

"Matt's my best friend! I love you lot too, but matty baby." He laughed.

And everyone's eye brows shot up in unison, all beyond confused.

"Has to be the liquor talking." Draco shook his head.

"Absolutely is." Mattheo laughed back.

Mattheo sat next to me, sprawled across my lap. My hands were lost in his hair, and I couldn't help but keep looking down at his face. It hurt, to look at him. Knowing what he would go through this summer. Knowing I wouldn't be there to help him through it.

Knowing I would have to spend summer with someone who didn't even remember they were my best friend.

But in the moment, all that mattered was we were all here. Together.

Like we always were.

Hopefully, like we always would be.

One month later...

"Theodore!" Step mother three called from the large, marble kitchen in the Nott manor, "I told you two no magic in the house!"

"Sorry!" We screamed in unison, dodging a fire ball he sent my way.

We had broken a lot of things around this old manor in the past month.

And honestly, besides his father being present, it was going so well.

I had to repeat a lot of things, things I'd assume he remembered. But of course, he didn't. It was frustratingly annoying, but I started to see the same sparkle in his eyes, from our past.

We became best friends again, even if he thought it was a new friendship blossoming, I knew it was the petals returning after a long drought.

I haven't heard from Mattheo since we walked away from each other in Kings Cross station.

My phone was next to me every second of everyday, full volume.


I made sure to text him daily. Just to let him know he's never left my mind, not even for a millisecond.

I listened through the walls, to see if I heard Theos father speaking of him.


He was like a ghost.

I wondered if he was thinking of me, I wondered if he would keep his word and "pop by."

I wondered if he was still my boy.

"Theo! Yn! Dinner!" Step mummy three yelled, and we reluctantly went.

We hated the nightly dinners, mostly because of Mr.Nott.

As we sat at the long, dark oak table, in the families dinning room, a smile for once, took over his step mothers face.

"Show them." Mr.Nott rolled his eyes.

"Show us what?" My eyebrows flared.

"The house elf  found a box of photographs, from when you two were younger." She smiled again, "it's just nice to look back on these, how long you've known each other, even your father smiled a bit."

"Younger?" Theo shook his head.

"Yes, from the first summer after Hogwarts, yn darling, how you've grown since then."

And that's when I felt the world, stop.

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