Never, ever again.

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"Holy shit, this thing is fucked up." He laughed, holding it in his fingers examining how broken it was.

I let out a soft breath.

"Yeah I told you guys, lost cause!" I laughed.

"Well, That's fucked." He laughed again, tossing the phone aside on my bed, "lighter, lighter lighter..."

My eyes followed the phone, the screen was black, had I shut it off?

The second it hit my mattress, the screen lit up, as I watched his face turn to it.

"Thought you said it was broken?" His eyes narrowed.

"It is." I whispered.

We both stood there, staring at each other.

I took a long sigh, before throwing my self on the bed for my phone, but clearly Theo had the same idea.

We landed on top of each other, the phone was gripped in my hand like my life depended on it. He wasn't giving up, he was practically on top of me, wrestling me.

"You little liar!" He yelled, I at least thought it was in a playful way.

"Give it! Stop it Theo!" I struggled. He was strong, and far bigger than I was.

He pinned me down, straddled on top of me, looking down at me out of breath, I held the phone firmly in my hands, that he held down on top of my head.

"Why are you lying about your phone?!" He lowered his face to mine, "it turned on?! What the fuck yn?"

"Theo!" I squirmed, "you're over reacting!"

"I'm over reacting! You tackled me for it!" He let out a dry laugh.

"It's my phone!" My face grew serious.

"That you said. Was. Broken." So did his. As his face was just inches from me. He actually looked, upset?

I mean I understood why. We never ever lied to each other. Theo was my first friend here, when we were just eleven. We met on the train. We've been inseparable ever since. So I understood the sudden shift in his eyes, over such a "small" lie.

"Theo." I whispered, trying to string together a story good enough in my head that it was believable, "just listen to me for two seconds, before bugging the fuck out."

"Oh I'm listening, darling." His eyes still narrow, he was still on top of me, holding my hands above my head.

"I lied because-"

"What the fuck?!" Mattheo stood in my door way, me and Theo quickly jerked our heads towards him. I swear my heart slipped out of my chest and onto the floor. I've never felt so fucked before.

"Matt." Theo rolled his eyes, "this isn't what it looks like." He said with a slight smirk and a chuckle.

But, Mattheos eyes were fixed on me. I seen the fire in them, the anger. I've seen it too many times. I thought he was going to tackle Theo right then and there. He was so angry, he didn't even notice I was holding the phone in my hand.

I was squeezing it so tightly, I felt the tiny glass shards cutting the palms of my hands.

Mattheo just shook his head and left.

I fought to get up, to follow him.

Theo pushed me back down.

"He'll be fine. What the fuck are you lying to me about?!" He fixed his eyes back on me.

"Theo get off! I have to go talk to him!" I fought him with everything I had.

"Woah there!" He almost laughed, Theo was strong and I clearly wasn't affecting him.

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