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He trailed his fingers down from my lips to my jaw, to my throat. He was centimeters away from me, I could feel his breath on me.

He let out a gentle squeeze around my neck, "no." He whispered.

Shock consumed my face, my eyes darted up to his as I frayed my eyebrows.

"No?" I questioned.

"No." He repeated sternly,  with a grip still on my neck, eyes locked on my lips, "I'm not going to touch you, while you're with him."

My heart stopped, actually skipped eight beats, as reality came crashing down around me.

I had a boyfriend. Anthony, who despite everything I just confessed, I didn't feel absolutely nothing for.

And now I had to make my choice, Mattheo or Anthony.

While in my mind, the choice was clear. Kind of. I knew what I wanted. I just didn't know if I was willing to give up the security of Anthony. The gentleness of him. The knowing.

Getting my self completely involved with Mattheo, meant chaos, at all times. A rolled coaster. No certainty.

"Fine." I mumbled, backing up from him.

"Don't get mad, pretty girl." He teased, "once you breakup with him, I'm all yours."

"Until then?" I wanted to get a rise out of him.

"Don't push me." His eyes grew serious, "see you at breakfast." He winked, leaving the room.

What the fuck had just happen?

I laid in bed, trailing into a sleep, my mind taunting me the whole way there.

I woke up the next morning with my chest heavier than when I fell asleep. The weight of the conversation I had with Mattheo just hours ago, felt like a dragon on me. The weight of having to speak to Anthony, was seven dragons, easily.

I tried to distract my self.

8:30 a.m

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY "future baby daddy"
Love you more than life. My first friend, secret keeper & baby daddy.
Grateful for you in my life!

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But I love you more gorgeous, thank you
Best thing I ever did was sit next to the quiet girl on the train.
See you at breakfast🤍.

I took to instagram to post my birthday wishes, and check out everyone else's funny pictures of Theo.

Yn's story.

Draco's story

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Draco's story.

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