I owe you an explanation.

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I felt his grip on my tighten, I watched a shiver send through his body, and his eyes didn't quite know where to look.

And to be perfectly honest, I wasn't in the slightest bit sure why I just said that. Sure, I can blame it on the liquor. That would be easy. But deep down inside of me, I knew I wanted him to know I seen it. I just knew this wasn't how.

We stood in the empty stair case, eyes locked on each other.

"What do you mean the phone turned on?" His tone was cold.

"I said it was broken... I lied." I whispered.

"I don't get it." He shook his head.

"I seen the last message you sent me, after my mom..." my voice sounded off, I tried to pull my self together, "I seen what you said. About being in love with me."

The silence was deafening.

"I think..." he finally broke the silence, "I think you're drunk. And you don't know what you're talking about." He let go of my arm.

"Really Matt?" My voice cracked this time.

"You're drunk. Are you not?" He straightened himself up.

"That doesn't mean I don't know what I read, Mattheo." I snapped.

"I think it does." He huffed, turning to walk away.

"You're such a fucking asshole." I nearly screamed, turning back down the stairs.

I tried my hardest to stop the tears from falling down my face, but I couldn't believe he just said that to me. It took everything in me to admit it, I don't know what I thought would happen, but this certainly wasn't it.

"Watch where you're going." Pansy scoffed as I accident bumped into her.

"Would you drop it?" I turned back, snapping.

She stopped for a moment, realizing my current state, "what are you off to find Theo?"

"No Pansy. It was a dare. You know I would never do that to you in a million years. I'm looking for Enzo." My voice cracked again.

"Oh? Going to snog him too?" She let out a small laugh.

"No I need someone to fucking talk to." I swallowed hard, "unlike you, he seems to be very interested in helping me with my problems, instead of blaming me for them." I spat, turning to find him.

"Wait!" She grabbed my arm, "what happen?" She whispered, examining my face again.

"Pansy, fuck off." I grabbed my arm back from her.

I quickly looked around and seen that Enzo, Draco or Theo were no where to be found. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and seen that it was five minutes until midnight. We were all supposed to be together.

11:55 p.m

Where is everyone?

Astronomy tower
Are you coming?

I don't know

Cmon yn
It's almost midnight get up here

Fine. On my way.

I started walking quickly to the tower, I heard Pansy following at my footsteps.

"Would you just stop and talk to me?!" She yelled at me.

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