Everyone could see.

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I could tell by Anthony's reply he didn't believe me, and I can't say I blamed him for it. Not one bit. I should've used my head before I sent that message. I should've used my head before I got my self into this mess in the first place.

I threw my hand over my face. I wanted to scream as loud as my lungs would allow. I wanted to cry.

"What happen?" Pansy looked over, sitting up on her bed.

"I just thanked Anthony. For flowers. That weren't from him." I huffed, brining my eyes to hers.

"Mattheo texted me to open to the door last night, he said he forgot something. I opened it and went back to bed. They have to be from him."  She said with a shrug.

"You couldn't led with that, Pansy." Attitude spewed.

"How was I suppose to know you would assume they were from Anthony? Or that they could've been from anyone else? How am I supposed to know anything when we haven't spoken?!" Her voice raised.

"YOU haven't spoken to me since we read the message. You got so offended I didn't want to tell Mattheo! Like it was your life!" I stood up, "and like I told you the other night, I did! And now my life is fucking falling apart!"

"Oh so you're mad at me for wanting you to be happy?!" She stood.

"I was happy! I was fine until I saw the message!" I shrugged my shoulders at her.

"Because that message made you feel something! I seen it on your face. I've always seen it, I would be a horrible friend if I sat there and didn't tell you to speak to Mattheo. So I'm sorry, but I seen your face. I seen right through it." She crossed her arms.

"We'll look at my mess now." I shook my head and looked down at my feet, "I'm fucked."

"I'm here for you, and you know that. I always have been." She walked towards me, "now can I please be your friend again and help you unfuck your life?" A small laugh and a smile appeared on her face.

"I don't think Merlin himself could help me, but I would love for you to help me pans." I sighed pulling her into a hug.

And if everything else was falling apart, at least I finally had Pansy back. On our walk to our first class, I caught her up on everything, watching as her jaw fell closer and closer to the floor with each passing sentence.

She couldn't believe was I was physically telling her, let alone that Mattheo ever fully admitted those things to my face. I could tell by the look in her eyes she didn't have any piece of advice for me.

I took my seat at desk, and waited to see Anthony walk through the door, and when he finally did, he kept his back towards me and sat at his desk.


This isn't how this was supposed to go.

9:16 a.m

You have to relax your face
It'd be a shame if it got stuck like that




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