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Newts were tomorrow, everyone had gone to bed hours ago.

Me? I was pacing my room, waiting for Mattheo to burst through those doors.

He didn't tell me much. He really didn't tell me anything, but from his text, I could tell it was going to be bad.

I couldn't help but wonder. What the fuck his father had him doing now. Every time this happen, the guilt ate at me. From the inside out.

It was my fault.

Mattheo had begged me to stop looking at it that way, but there's no way I could. When it came down to the single fact. It was all my fault.

I sat on my bed, staring at my door, I looked down at my phone, 4:37 a.m.

Exams began at 10:00 a.m sharp.

Still, I stayed awake. Staring. Hoping the door would swing open.

The last time I checked my phone it was 6:51 a.m. that's the last thing I remember before my 9:00 a.m alarm.

I jumped up, like someone pinched me. Mattheo still wasn't back. Pansy was just waking up, reluctantly of course.

But, everything was eerily quiet.

I grabbed my phone.

No text.

No calls.

Where the fuck is he?

I quickly washed up and made my way downstairs for breakfast. We all meet in the common room, where the boys has also told me they'd seen no signs of Mattheo.

If he didn't take this test, he wouldn't progress to the year ahead. School was important to him. Despite how he acted about it, it was one of his set goals. To graduate hogwarts, with remarkable grades. If he missed this test, that was it. And I knew how bad it would ruin him.

We silently made our way to the exam room, everyone from our year crowded into a room, sorted by houses.

A empty seat next to me, marked Mattheo Riddle.

"Good luck, yn. You got this." Theo smiled down at me as he took his seat in front of me.

I still couldn't look him in the eye.

My heart sank as I kept staring at the clock.

He had two fucking minutes.

Two minutes.

The ticking echoed through my brain as I counted down the seconds.




"Okay students pick up you-"

"I'm here." I never snapped my neck quite that fast, I thought I broke it.

A sweaty, dirty, clearly over tired Mattheo ran through the hall, and threw himself in the seat next to me.

"I'm sorry." He mouthed to me.

I was relieved he was there. But anger pushed through my veins at the sight of him. How disheveled he was. How tired, how hurt.

I shook my head and focused my attention to the exam paper.

3 fucking hours.

The exam took three hours.

Sighs from Draco the entire exam was all I heard. Along with Enzo's quill tapping, and Theo's constant coughs. I wanted to die.

"When did we learn about the dangers of gilly weed?!" Draco exclaimed as we walked out the hall.

"We learned in four separate times during potions, you twit." Pansy shook her head at him.

"We did not. I swear we did not." He huffed.

"You're useless. Truly." The rolled her eyes and made her way to the court yard.

"I say this calls for drinks." Enzo smiled, "it's over! We did it and now we deserve to celebrate."

That was the last thing on my mind as my eyes were nearly burning a hole in the side of Mattheos head from me staring at him. He refused to meet my eyes.

"That's a fucking great idea." Mattheo huffed, "Theo and I have a stash in our room. Let's go."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me behind him as the others followed. No matter how hard I tried to rip my hand away, he squeezed it tighter.

One conversation. That's all I wanted.

Was he okay? What did he do? Where was he all night? Was he hurt? How did he feel about exams?


He ignored me, as he sat down on his bed pulling his stash out. Passing it around to everyone.


Pansy story

Draco's story

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Draco's story

Draco's story

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Enzo's story

I was started to feel it

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I was started to feel it. The drinks. When he finally turned to me.

"You can't come to the manor this summer."

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