I think I said too much.

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I couldn't help it. The word no flew out of my mouth too easily, like the tears on my face escaped my eyes too fast. I couldn't even process who I just ran into. Whoever it was, hurt. Like I actually threw myself through a brick wall.

I finally wiped my eyes, and looked up to none other than Draco. Which wasn't the worst person in the world to physically run into, he was one of my closest friends. Him and I just, never saw eye to eye regarding relationships. He was very... protective over me, is the best way to word it. He always was, once he found out my family history, he for some reason took it to heart. He always treated me with respect, like a younger sister. He was just... aggressive once I was hurt. More than the others. Whenever I hurt, he made it his mission to hurt the one who made me feel this way. Which, wasn't the worst quality in a friend, but I wish I had bumped into someone... more gentle.

"What happened?!" his eyes grew mad.

"Yn, what. happened?" he repeated, his tone so cold.

"I'm fine Draco, just upset is all." I whispered, franticly rubbing my eyes dry.

He gripped me by my arm, and shoved me into my dorm.

"Talk, now." he let me go, crossing his arms, "I'll wait here all day if I have too."

"That really isn't necessary Draco." I adjusted my self, "Its silly girl things."

"Silly enough that your running up the hallway crying? Gasping for air? Was it Anthony?" he stepped closer.

"No. It wasn't Anthony." I quickly said.

"Then what the fuck has you so worked up?" he raised his brow in confusion, "Pansy's right. You've been different. More on edge. More... emotional." he knew he was on thin ice since he began this sentence.

"If Pansy is right then get the fuck out of my room." My sadness quickly turned into anger.

"Stop. You know I didn't mean it like that. I just, I'm worried." he looked like he seen a ghost, all the boys knew not to cross a line with me, when I got angry, shit got bad.

"Like I said. Silly girl things." my attitude remained in my sentence.

"So tell me, you always used to tell me things."


"Fine." I took a breath, "Anthony said he was in love with me, doesn't know I know he said it, and hasn't addressed it since. So I've been acting like it hasn't happen, because I don't know how the fuck I feel." I regretted this sentence the second it left my mouth.

"How doesn't he know, you know he said it? What the fuck does that even mean?" he shook his head in confusion.

fuck. fuck. fuck.

"He said it to me when I was in the hospital wing." I quickly blurted out.

"Romantic." he let out a dry laugh, and a scoff. "Look, you seem really happy with me. Love is... well up to you. But I've heard you say you loved him before?"

"Yes dray. Loving and being in love are two separate things. I love him, I don't know if I'm in love with him." I huffed. This conversation was stupid, and a waste of time. It was all lies. Lies, lies, lies. Truthfully I couldn't wait for Draco to leave my room, so I could properly deal with the Mattheo sized hole in my chest.

I came here to fucking cry in peace, not lie my way out of an accidental run in.

He paused for a moment.

"How doesn't he know you heard him? If he said in when you were in the hospital?" His brow raised again.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

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