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And for the first time, little words typed across a cell phone didn't mean anything to me. They didn't frighten me, or startle me. They didn't make the world stop. I didn't loose my breath and struggle to catch it.

They were powerless.

How they always should've been.

They had nothing over me. No big secret. No hidden context. Nothing.

I was free.

Free to be with Mattheo. Walk the halls with him. Eat lunch and dinner with him. Sit by the fires. Not inches and feet away. Not secretly brushing hands. Not exchanging looks. Just free.

And we took advantage.

The looks of the entire school the morning after the instagram post were overwhelming. Shock, confusion, fear? Whatever it was felt good.

And he loved to post me. He didn't hide me. He didn't shy away from instagram, the way he did with Astoria. He was constantly taking photographs of me, doing random things, laughing, smiling, sleeping, reading. Just me, being me. And he couldn't get enough.

The old me was returning. While I still got the messages, everyday. They didn't to anything to me. I wasn't scared.

It's been a week, since it all came out.

Theo and Draco still won't talk to us. Theo has blocked my number and Draco, well he just keeps looking at me like I've stolen his prized possession.

NEWTS are in four days. Term is over is two weeks, and it's all starting to weigh heavily.

I just want to talk to Theo. I miss him. I miss us. I want us to go back to normal. I want to tell him all of the dirty little details, the painful ones, the beautiful ones that make up the story of Mattheo and I.

But I can't.

Not until he's ready.

While I started to regain consciousness, Bringing my self back into the present. The things around me started to make sense.

Not all at once, but eventually.

9:39 p.m

You look so stressed with newts.
You've lost some of your greatest friends because of your secret.
I would've never let you loose people.
He doesn't care, like I do.

Mattheo had come into my room, extremely late one night, after I received a text messages saying how desperately he needs to hold me.

Which wouldn't be odd, considering we slept in my room together every night. But this time he hadn't answered my messages all day. This time was ... different.

He didn't say a word as he climbed into my bed, and buried his head deep into my neck. His silent sobs sending chills down my spine.

When I asked what's wrong, repeatedly, he never answered.

In the morning, a bright sunny Saturday morning, he slid out of bed and into my shower. I stayed awake all night. Trying to figure out what the fuck was wrong with him.

I slipped into the bathroom, while the steam from the shower filled the room, he stood with his hands propped up on the shower wall, while he appeared to be begging for air.

I didn't think. I ran into the shower, fully clothed.

I grabbed his hands off the wall and put them on my cheeks, trying to ground him.

When it hit me.

I saw it.

The mark.

It all came flooding into my brain.

I have been ignoring the fact that he quite literally signed his life away. That he was a pawn in his fathers game. That he was at his disposal.

What burdens has he been carrying by himself? Because I was too comatose in my own fear to be there for him?

"Matt. I'm here. I'm right here." I whispered, pulling him into me.

No answer.

"I'm so sorry. I haven't been there for you like I should. I'm here now. I'm back." I repeated. Over and over. Now feeling like the worst person to ever walk this earth.

"I need you to tell me what happen, Matt. I want to help you." I whispered.

After moments of silence, he gathered himself and got out of the shower.

"I'm never going to drag you into my shit." He spat, drying himself off.

"Matt, you promised. If we're going to try, I need all of you." I was taken back by his only words spoken to me in twenty four hours.

"It's too much." He shook his head, exciting the bathroom.

"I don't give a fuck! I want to know! I want to know all of it!" I shouted after him.

"All I need for you to do, to be, is there. Just be there to pick up the pieces. That's all I ask." He whispered as he stopped short in front of me.

"But, I want to do more for you." My eyes swelled with tears at his reply.

"I just need you to put me back together. You're the only one who could." He brushed his hand against my face.

"I always will." I let out a half smile.

It was in that moment I realized what being in love with Mattheo Riddle entailed. The mess I would always have to clean. The puzzle; I would always have to piece back together. All the darkness, that came with the light he offered me. And in that moment, something in my head told me; I would never want anything more.

It was a Wednesday morning, just as I was leaving the great hall after having breakfast with Mattheo, Enzo and Pansy, looking down at my phone and blushing at the story Mattheo had posted of me.

I couldn't lift my head from it, the happiness it gave me, I loved it

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I couldn't lift my head from it, the happiness it gave me, I loved it.

It was a photo Pansy had snuck of us one night, after a night of board games. We were in our own little bubble. We were so so happy. I remember it so clearly.

He was whispering something about how he knew I cheated, and that's how I won. I was calling him ridiculous and a sore loser. Then he made a inappropriate joke that excited me all ay the same time.

It wasn't just the picture.

It was his words.



He was my home.

I think he has been for a while.

I wanted to go back to that moment.

I was standing by the court yard, deep in my phone when a finger tapped my shoulder, sending me six inches in the air.

"I didn't mean to spook you." The voice laughed, and my body froze.

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