Test me.

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Any ounce of relaxation I once felt, fled from my body.

It didn't meter that I knew I was safe in Mattheos bed, this person could clearly be anywhere without being detected.

I shot out of the bed and started pacing. I needed to figure this out.

I went through the list of names I thought in my head.


No way, he's too kind.

But I broke his heart, and left him for another boy.


He was old news, but it was a horribly messy break up. I've had him blocked since then. Has he tried to reach out ? Have I missed something?

Hermione? Did she want revenge for me breaking her nose?

She didn't have the balls to break into my dorm.

I started safe. I started logical.

Or at least, I thought.

1:02 p.m

I know we haven't spoken
And I hope you're well
Are you around to meet up right now? I have to ask you something.

Sure, I just got out of class.
Our spot?

Be there in 10.

I left my bag in Mattheos room and quickly headed down to the courtyard.

I felt weird, heading to meet him. In the same spot I broke up with him. He didn't deserve it. I knew that. But right now, I didn't care about any feeling of weirdness, he was possibly stalking my life and making me want to throw my self from a tower.

The other students must've thought I was hexed. Walking funny, and constantly looking over my shoulder. I didn't care, they could be anywhere.

"Hey, you." Anthony gave me a sly smile, as he approached, and I watched his face completely sink, "woah, are you okay? What happen?!"

"No I'm fine!" I let out a small, unconvincing smile, "I'm just so tired."

"This looks like more than tired, yn." The concern grew across his face.

"Look I have to ask you something, and I want you to be a hundred percent honest with me, because I don't know what else to do." I shook my head.

"What is it?" He bent down, trying to make eye contact.

I couldn't. I wouldn't. My eyes were darting and I was shaking.

"I've been getting weird texts since yesterday. Would you know anything about that?" I finally brought my eyes up to his.

"Weird how?" He raised his eye brows.

"Like," I paused for a moment, "photos of me, in my room, in the hallway. Watching me."

He took a step back.

"You think I would send you pictures of yourself?" He looked offended.

"No! But I don't know who else it could be. They snuck into my room while I was sleeping! They're everywhere, I'm freaking out!" I was trying to whisper.

"Oh! So you think I would break into your room and take photos of you sleeping?! That's what you think of me?" His voice started to raise.

"Anthony, of course I don't I just-"

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