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He just blankly looked at me. His dead eyes, have returned and he looked like he was a billion planets away from me.

I've never felt like this with him. He seemed like a stranger in front of me.

"Talk." He said back to me, emotionless.

"Not here." Aggravation flooded my voice, I grabbed his hand and pulled him into a stairwell, way more private than a hallway.

"What the fuck is your issue?" I threw his hand out of mine.

"My issue?!" He laughed, "you've got to be fucking joking."

"You blocked my fucking number?!" I couldn't help but raise my voice.

"I did it the other day. I'm going to unblock it." He tried to brush it off.

"Why did you block it?" Hurt was all over my face.

"Because I wanted too. Sometimes I think there's no point in us talking." He shook his head.

"I had a panic attack. I texted you because I couldn't fucking breathe. The whole fucking room was spinning, my chest was literally closing and all I fucking wanted was you!" My voice cracked, "you fucking promised me, this would never happen."

"I- I didn't know." His face still showed no emotion.

"I knew we should've never did anything. I knew it wasn't a line worth crossing. I lost you. Just like you promised I never would." I tried pulling my self together.

"Don't fucking pin this on me! Boyfriend after boyfriend you expect me to stick around?!" His voice was echoing.

"You had a girlfriend to Mattheo!" I matched his screaming, "you had random hook ups and literally picked another girl when I gave you the choice! I asked you to pick and you didn't pick me!"

He just stared at me, blankly. I had no idea where his head was. He felt so far. So fucking far.

"Exactly." I scoffed, "so I will pin it on you. I will blame you for everything. For dragging me through your games, for threatening me and my boyfriends, for making me fucking need you." I shook my head and went to turn away, "you fucking promised, Mattheo."

"I didn't fucking know! I didn't know you were having an attack!" His face tensed up.

"You shouldn't have too, I shouldn't have to rely on you! You made your point clear by blocking my number. So just leave it blocked." I spat, quickly turning away.

"Yn!" He screamed after me, "yn! Come here!"

I ignored him. And kept walking.

Fuck Enzo's advice. There was no talking to that kid. He wasn't himself, it was evident. It look everything in me to walk away from him, but I couldn't do it.

(Draco to Enzo and Theo)
9:45 a.m

Can anyone tell me why I just seen Yn and Mattheo in a full blown screaming match in a hidden stairwell?
At this time in the morning?

What were they saying.

I couldn't hear exactly, something about blocking a number?
She was screaming and almost crying

Oh fuck

Blocking whose number?
What the fuck is going on

I have no idea
Matt was yelling too
I couldn't make it out I didn't want them to see me

We'll ask them about it later

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