One piece.

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It's insane. How you can feel the emotion in a room shift.

Everything went from feeling so right... to horribly wrong.

All with one sentence.

Everyone's eyes darted to Theo, as he asked who unknown was.

Clearly, my plans had some serious faults in them. Ones I didn't bother thinking through. I don't know why; I thought everyone would forget if I stopped brining it up.

How could I think that? They seen how shaken I was. How scared. Of course they weren't going to let it go.

"Are you joking?" Draco scoffed, looking at Theo.

"I haven't heard anything," I quickly jumped in, "not a text in a week now. Perhaps they finally got the hint."

"That's odd." Enzo added, "to just stop out of no where."

"They were quite literally obsessed with making your life hell." Confusion over took Draco's face, as he kept watching Theo from the corner of his eye.

"I really gave it to them the last time I spoke to them. They're probably shit scared and a nobody. They knew it was best for them to back off now before they got seriously hurt. I'm relived, really." I shook my head, trying anything to hide the shaking of my hands.

"Damn right they'd get seriously hurt for fucking with you." Theo muttered, with a lot of anger behind his words, "they better stay the fuck away."

"Oh now you remember? Your mental I swear." Pansy let out a dry laugh.

"It took me a minute, okay Parkinson?" He rolled his eyes at her, and brought his attention back down to the stack of books by pansy's bed.

I swallowed. Lost about what the fuck just happen and what Theo could possibly be talking about. But I let it go. He covered it up. This was a secret I would take to my grave, and beyond. And with the performance he just put on, I would never have to address it again.

"Alright boys, let's let the girls get ready and meet them down stairs." Mattheo grunted as he stood leaning over to give me a kiss, "see you in a bit gorgeous." He whispered with a wink.

Tonight was the end of term party.

The only one bigger than the beginning of term party.

Of course, Slytherin threw the best one, on account of our common room. But every house truly went insane tonight.

It was the last weekend of school, even though we still stayed at the castle for another five or so days.

It was the last Saturday.

I thought back to the first Saturday back at school, the horrible fight Mattheo and I had. I couldn't help but laugh to my self.

I wonder what would've happen if I just admitted it then.

Now it's the last Saturday, and I'm finally with him. Not hiding, or sneaking around.

Mattheo Fucking Riddle was my boyfriend, and I couldn't have found my self luckier.

It was bitter sweet getting ready with Pansy. Something we were so used to, yet took for granted most days.

We fought a lot this year, but at the end of the day I loved her more than life. I knew she knew it. She was the closest thing I'd ever have to a sister.

"Are you nervous about spending the summer at Theos?" She asked, applying her lip gloss.

"No. I just hate his fucking father." I scoffed, finishing up my eyeliner, "I meant to ask you how you felt about me doing that?" I turned to her.

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