One last night. (🌶️)

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Because there he was.


My Mattheo.

Flowers spread across my bed, candles lit and my favorite chocolates.

At three o'clock in the morning.

I stood frozen in that tiny door way. Tears building up.

Because in this moment he was so pure, still innocent, so mine.

I wanted him this way forever. Even though I know it was inevitable. I just wanted to frame this tiny moment in time and never ever ever let it go. It was too special.

"Matt." I whispered.

"One last night of just us for the year." He smiled, standing by the edge of my bed.

"It isn't our last night." I let out a soft smile.

"No, but tomorrow is the group sleepover. So yes, it really is our last night." His hands were in his pockets, as he left out a small smirk.

"I don't want it to be." A tear stained my cheek, as I still stood in my doorway.

"Just for summer pretty girl. I'm all yours, forever." A smile overtook his face.


He thought about forever?

And I was included in it?

More tears.

"Come here, pretty girl." He whispered, in a raspy voice, sliding his hand out of his pocket.

That's all it took.

For me to nearly run over to him and smash my lips onto his. But he met me, evenly needy.

He flipped us around and forced me back onto my wall. The stone wall slamming into my shoulders, as he flipped my waist with one hand and the other slid into my hair. The moment my back hit that wall, the moment I felt his mouth on mine, every thought of summer complete disappeared out of my head.

All I could think about was him. His lips. Him on top on me. Him beneath me. Anything. I needed him. To feel him.

I couldn't help my self, his kiss in itself was euphoric. I let a tiny sound slip from my mouth, which seemed to only make Mattheo more excited, more needy, because the hand that gently tugged my hair then dug into it, pulling my head further back for him to deepen the kiss.

I moved my hands frantically over his body. Desperate for anything.

Mattheo slid his hands around me, then grasping my ass, and lifted me into the air. I wrapped my legs around him, and let a noise slip again, feeling him between my thighs.

"Those noises are going to get you in trouble." He whispered along my neck, as he left kisses and marks on them.

"Good." Was the only words I could mutter, which he clearly didn't like.

He took my back off the wall, and walked me over to my bed, slamming me down, a mischievous smile taking over his face.

"Do your worst, riddle." I smirked.

"You'll regret that, pretty girl." He rolled his eyes as he slammed his lips onto mine again. Slipping his hands down to take off my pants, next my shirt. And I followed in unison.

He was perfect. Textbook perfect. His body, scars and all; his eyes and the way he looked at me. The way they made me feel all by looking at me.


He laid one last kiss on my lips, before his teeth were pulling my underwear down, and his lips met my entrance.

I hoped he silenced the room. I really did, because the noise that escaped me was not something other students should hear.

He finished just before I reached my climax, just as I was begging and pleading him to let me finish, he flipped me over.

Grabbing a fist full of my hair, lining up with me.

"Scream loud enough for the school you, pretty girl."

And Merlin did I.

He did not hold back, as he kept a firm grip on my hair, and one on my waist.

And right before I once again had my chance to finish, he let go.

Grabbing me from my bed as he sat on the edge of it, putting me on his lap so I was straddling him.

"I want to see that face." He smirked, slamming me down onto him.

"Matt." I gasped.

"That's it." He let out a deep breath, "ride me. Let me see you."

And I did.

Watching his eyes roll back, and watching him loose control of himself was my undoing.

And after all was said and done, we just laid together.

And I soaked in every moment. The feel of him next to me. On me. Playing with my hair.

"I never told you," he finally broke the silence, "I'm so fucking happy your phone turned back on."

"Why?" I laughed, "wouldn't have admitted it yourself?"

"Fuck no." He let out a laugh, "I mean eventually, but I'm happy you found out sooner than I grew a pair to tell you."

"Mattheo Riddle, son of the dark lord, most feared boy in school, couldn't even tell a girl he was in love with her." I laughed.

"I mean I did, didn't I?" He raised an eye brow, "I just thank Merlin you called me out on it."

"I am too." I smiled.

"I promise, I will see you this summer. And I will do the best of my abilities to call, and text. And if I don't, just know it's killing me." He brushed my hair out of my face.

"I know. But know I'll wait by my phone every second, so I don't miss it." I tried to smile.

"No. Enjoy your summer pretty girl, that's why I spoke to Theo."

"I can't enjoy my summer with out you, Matt." I huffed.

"But you will. Promise?"

"As long as you promise to see me. Once." I smiled up at him.

"I swear." He laid a kiss on my head.

And I smiled and fell into a deep sleep on his chest.

When we woke in the morning, Pansy was standing over us.

With a wicked look upon her face...

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