The Two Children

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The Birth of Headzo.

Bright blue eyes, deeper than the
babiest blue more hopeful than any
child born before.

His cries echoed through the room as he lays in his mother's arms, even with the noise the parents still smile, a second child, a complete family.

"What will you name him?" The nurses
insisted as the boy grabs his mother finger, wrapped tightly, a clear sign of
love and affection.

"We always wanted somthing new, somthing different, somthing strong by its own accord" the loving mother explained "we will name him after our own first creation, a creation that brings a smile everywhere its seen" the mothers care continued "on this day hear his name, the child honoured with power of creation, here I hold him and his name is Headzo."

The nurses face was plastered with mild uncertainty and confusion as she turned and walked away.

The Summoning of Carlos

The eyes of crimson filled with fear, of desired care.

The lack of tears on the child's face, the lack of any emotion whatsoever creates uncease to mother, to the doctors and to the father.

"Something isn't right, doctor what's wrong with IT?" the woman pleaded.
"The child, its brain is d..different" the doctor stammered "it seems to already understand what we are saying or atleast can react, as the sounds and lights seem to be causing some distress, what a strange child!"

The woman looked down at the emotionless face the child wore.

"Well I don't want this thing, it's creepy, it looks like it came out of hell itself, you know what that's what we'll name it after, the name of a demon, after all what better for a child of Satan" the woman went on "this thing is called Carlos, and if it wasn't for our reputation we'd surely have it rid of."

The doctor took a glance at his notes and turned to the disgusted woman.

"Apologies but there's more" the doctor uttered with a face of solemn emotion "based of other children who had similar, well actually nicer, abnormalities we don't think they'll survive very long"

"Well spit it out then!" The father screamed.

"We thing they'll be dead by the age of 15, not by a decease or anything but suicide, we think it'll all be too much for the child to handle" the doctor turns and leaves in silence.

The woman and father are left staring at the 'demon child' with the image of hate laying clear on their visages.

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