A King Made To Control

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Headzo stood, desolate, in the room once sprawling with life.

"Everyone in the stage room now, we need to talk!" He sat  one leg placed on the, stage the other swaying off, as he awaited there arrival.

As everyone made their way in, Headzo forced a smile, wanting to apppear happy and rearing to begin.

"We have been relaxing and training for a while now, it's about time we begin the hunt" His voice boomed, echoing his care and leadership.

Headzo glanced around at the group noticing his friend's look of despair.

It wasn't long before Finzo spoke up.

"Yeah, about that, you're no longer in charge. " He spoke sternly, clearly serious.

"Then who is?" Headzo decided he would he humour them, despite feeling fed up with them both.

"I will be." Wingzo spoke softly and confidently.

"What's all this about anyways?" Headzo was growing tired of the betrayal.

"Same thing it always is, THEM!" Finzo spoke with fury, as he gestured towards Wing, who, up until this point, had been silent.

"What's your problem with me anyways?" Wing spoke, sick of feeling hated.

"You're a disgrace and you dont deserve to be here, nor do you have any right to join us." Finzo really was filled with hatred.

Wing took a moment to breath, trying to calm themselves.

"You speak of what I deserve as if you know my life. You don't." Wing was glaring at Finzo, evidently angry "You have experienced so little pain, compared to me, I would have killed for your simple, innocent life.

"Innocent? I had no parents due to a crash, caused by a selflish drinker, don't talk to me about pain from your rich, parent filled world." Finzo was feeling overwhelmed with loss.

"You think I had parents? I had no parents, I had wardens that shipped me off, to be tortured, day after day. They may of brought me into this world, but they weren't my parents. I got more care and affection from the cult that gave me these scars." Wing gestured towards their mind.

"You're a monster!" Finzo screamed.

"You're a pillock." Wing uttered.

"Oi!" Headzo tried to involve himself but no-one noticed.

"You go around killing, torturing and yet, you're here among us as though youre innocent, as though you're not excited for your next kill. Only villains do that." True vexation absorbed him.

"I'm not a villain, I kill villains, I punish the bad and bring safety, to those who had no protection, I make afraid those who wish to do harm. I'm not a hero, nor have I ever said I was but I'm certainly not a villain." They grew defensive to Finzos words.

"The reason matters not, to kill is an evil deed." Finzo spoke with immense self-righteousness.

"Remind me again. What it is you hope to do?" These words left Finzo speechless.

Headzo watched, tired of the bickering.

"End this, we need to get started." Headzo was becoming impatient.

"I thought it was made clear that you are not in charge." Finzo addressed Headzo directly.

"Neither of you are any better, now shut up and do as you are told!" Wing came to Headzo's defence.

"Watch your tongue beast or I'll skin you myself!" Wingzo made her position clear.

Wing went to retort but was, instead, interupted by Headzo's demands.

"KNEEL!" Headzo lost himself in the anger of the situation.

Wing turned, instantly, to face him and went down on one knee  placing his two blades aside as a pledge of allegiance, before turning to Finzo and Wingzo.

"You heard him," Wing addressed them both, "kneel!" The word seeped out through gritted teeth.

They did as they were asked.

Headzo was beginning to regret losing his temper but he couldn't argue with the results.

Knelt in front of Headzo, Finzo realised how much he hated it, and, in a fit of rage, he ran out with Wingzo following after.

Left alone with Headzo, Wing rose and spoke.

"I am always honoured to bow to you, however that which you asked of them, wasn't you, you'll lose them as friends the moment you embrace the person you became in that fury." Wing spoke with honesty.

Headzo nodded his head once, as a sign of understanding, before Wing turned and left, the way they came.

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