Moving Forward

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Wing approached the door slowly, clearly stressed.

Having known Headzo would be behind it, likely tinkering, Wing opened the door carefully.

"Headzo." Wing uttered, but had no response, "Headzo!" Wing raised their voice slightly.

Headzo lifted up a welding mask, before turning.

"Yes Carlos," Headzo looked Wing up and down, "are you okay, you seem jittery?"

"I..I'm fine," they stuttered, "before, when you found me, you asked for my help, to find your brother."

"Yes I remember." Headzo responded. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Headzo, I'm fine." They were slightly annoyed.

They were shaking slightly, the memory of yesterday's beast still looming in their mind.

"We haven't done anything yet." They were shaky, clearly scared.

"Honestly Carlos, I don't know where to start," Headzo retorted, "he's not like me or you, he doesn't follow patterns, he was very smart but what he did was out of anger, there's no trail, no pattern, I hadn't see him in years, before hand."

"Well, I think I know where we can start." Wing was prideful.

Headzo was interested.

"And where would that be?" Headzo queried.

"The Midway," Wing noticed Headzo's confusion, "it's a pub, it's where you go if you want to or have comitted a crime, and want to get away with it, if your brother was smart as you say, he'd of gone there."

"If this is some criminal hang out, then why hasn't the police done anything?" Headzo was feeling angry.

"It's frequented by the most dangerous people in the city, murderers go there, rapists go there, gangs essentially run the place, the police are too afraid." Wing explained.

"How do you even know about the place?" Headzo feared for the answer.

"The society, the cult, that tortured me." The shaking and fear became clenched in fury as Wing spoke. "They would speak of going, when they thought I wasn't listening, but I was always listening."

"Okay we'll go tomorrow." Headzo spoke sternly.

"Why wait, we can just go today?" Wing was honestly confused.

"You are not in the right state of mind." Headzo knew Wing would disagree, but knew it was the right thing to do.

"Headzo I told you I'm fine!" Wing felt like they needed the fight.

"You're shaking, we'll go tomorrow, and I suggest you get some rest because you are not fine." His sturn voice returned.

Wing left in silence.

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