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"You.....Have.....His.....Name!" A beast stated.

Wing was sat in their room, fiddling with a knife, left to think and ponder.

"I'm aware." Wing replied.

They glanced upwards, admiring their phantom companion.

It was hunched over, leaning towards Wing, with it's extra, loose head dangling down. It's eyes were now green, instead of the devilish red it had been before.

"You.....Can.....Find.....Him!" It argued.

Wing stood, staring deeply into the monster's soul, or lack there of.

"I can do alot of things, but all i have is a name. A name is pointless without people who know it well." They were conflicted and unsure.

The beast stood straight, causing the grotesque ball to rise up from its dangling fate.

"You, bring, fear. You, bring, pain. Now, you can, finally...use, your, power...to gain, knowledge." The ball, for the first time, spoke, with a broken rhythm, still slow, but faster than the beast.

"You.....Must.....Find.....Him!" The beast warned.

Wing's body altered, they were undergoing a realisation.

"Fine. I know of some people that will help." Wing gave in.

As they moved to an open window, their stalker vanished.

At least for now.

They clambered out of the opening, excited for some entertainment.

Illuminated by only moonlight, their wings grew from their back, as the true form revealed itself.

Without a thought, they took off, gliding into the darkness, with a demonic purpose.

They flew for many hours, the lack of light making their search difficult.

Eventually, they found a reason to land.

A group, of six people, were conversing in a dimly lit ginnel, one of which was brought to their knees.

They stood around the corner, just watching and waiting until a slow, evil breathe irritated their ears.

"What.....Shall.....We.....Do!" The dreadful presence was finally feeling approval.

"First, we'll piss off the leader, then we'll make a mockery of his muscle, and then, and only then do we make him help." They explained.

"Good.....Boy!" It exclaimed.

Wing staired angrily at the beast.

"Girl?" It searched for the right word. "Pet!" It was taking power.

"I'm no fucking pet of yours, you are owned by me, you live only within my mind and if necessary my brain will replace you!" Their anger tuck control.

"Then.....Why.....Can.....You.....Not.....Help.....But.....Do.....As.....I.....Say!" It wasn't wrong.

"Piss off!" They retorted.

"You, are, still...in, your form, of, evil being." The ball noticed, concerned.

Wing peeked around the corner, seeing the group in the alleyway again.

"I have killed many of his people." Wing gestured to the man, who was seemingly in charge. "He has had people watch me in the past, he already knows what I am, this appearance will be best."

They prepared to make their grand entrance.

"Go.....To.....Them!" The beast ordered.

Wing wandered in, just as the gang was beginning to get violent.

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