Discovery and Loneliness

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The Final Discovery

He had been there, in that room of mystery, day after day.

The plots and patterns never seemed to fit, but always felt connected.

They were smart, very smart, he knew that.

The events, the killing, it must follow rules, it's how people work, especially people of high intelligence.

There was one detail that always seemed odd, the massacres never seemed planned.

They were done violently, angrily and based off the attacks, they were done on a whim.

Random acts.

Not assassinations or quick kills to add to sum record.

The bodies were spread around, as though they were in a fight.

So that's how he'd find them?

Just wander around in high crime areas and just hope to see them.

That couldnt be it?

The pattern couldn't just be violence?

Could it?

Looking again, he found nothing.

Maybe that was it?

Too busy convinced that this was a puzzle or a game, when in reality, it was just acts pain, by a lonely Devil.

The Lonely Devil

The dead of night surrounds them.

Wandering alone.

Each step echoes the past.

Each noise, like that of the painful impacts, they had experienced, day by day.

This is how they always had dealt with the pain.

Pushing it deep inside them, fighting back tears, completely alone.

As Carlos forced out their knife, thier body shaked, memories of agony flooded through their brain, like a swarm of locusts, eating away the small inklings of pleasure.

Gently, they placed their blade along their arm.


Their fabricated skin tissue, is ripped away.

Even after death, they could still feel pain, as though their mind had remembered how it felt and forced it to Continue.


Another tear is added, revealing the metal mesh beneath.

The cuts would usually be a worry, but Carlos always covers their arms. 


They add another.

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