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Headzo twisted the handle, opening the wheathered wood of the maroon door.

Wing put down their, pen upon hearing the slow creek of the portal of entry.

"Come on Carlos, it's time for you to train with us." Headzo uttered, urging Wing along.

Before Wing could even begin to move, or even speak, their wrist was grabbed, wrapped tightly by Headzo's hand, and pulled.

They were dragged, quickly, out of their room and pulled out in front of Finzo and Wingzo.

"Right then, who's up first?" Headzo was excited, having never seen Wing fight before.

"I am, come on killer. I've been waiting for the opportunity to beat the sh..." Finzo looked towards Headzo, "poop...out of you."

"OK. Let's make this quick!" Wing prepared themselves for a fight they knew wouldn't last long.

Stood ready, the fight began.

Finzo threw the first shot, a sort of right hook, that was blocked instantly, by Wing's forearm.

Wing took the next shot, a simple punch to Finzo's face, acting as a counter, sending him backwards.

Now, very much angry, Finzo tried a kick, his sharpened fins pointing out with the shot, this strike was clearly dangerous, or at least, it would have been, if it had landed, but instead it soared over the Wing's ducked head.

With a single, well placed swipe of the leg, Finzo was placed on the ground.

Wing just stood there, waiting, allowing him to stand.

Now furious, he swung at Wing, clearly now wanting to embed his fins into Wing's brain.

Wing parried and dodged the attacks, until they grew tired, and instead chose to slam Finzo's face into their knee, before throwing some shits of their own.

Wing made a single movement, buckling Finzo's legs until he remained on his knees, defeated.

"Who's next?" Wing questioned.

Headzo stood, with a smirk across their innocent face.

"Me?" Headzo uttered, excited.

"Oh.. Ye okey, let's do this." their mind filled with dread, as they pictured hurting the one person that ever treat them, with the mildest humanity.

Eight heads poked around his shoulders, ready to attack.

"Let's see what you can do." His pleasure was evident.

Suddenly, the heads came flying at Wing.

They swatted the heads away, as if they were insects attacking the skin.

Every head was parried by Wing, clearly focusing on defence.

"Where's the fighting part?" Headzo mocked.

Being pressed to fight, Wing was annoyed, causing them to grab the heads and pull Headzo close.

From there, they kicked out Headzo's legs and held him, before holding a knife to Headzo's throat.

"I win." Wing let go, triumphant.

Headzo smiled, mildly impressed.

"My turn." The confident voice of Wingzo was enlarged by her white angelic wings.

She attacks, violent in movement, relying heavily on the paced glide of the feathers against the piecing winds.

Wing did similar, rising up to meet her, but they made sure to use her own speed, to take her self down.

She went for a strike of her sharpened talons, but instead fell, hurtling to the ground.

Wing stood proudly above her, knowing they had won.

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