A Happy Time For Both

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Headzo's Sweet Middle Of Life

The three children would all sit and talk and play and laugh all of the time.

Still quite young, but getting older their conversations would get deeper, more personal.

It was the conversations about crushes that always made Headzo uncomfortable, left out.

They would always ask him who he liked but his answer was always the same.

"I've never really liked anyone, in that way" Headzo would say.

But still they pressed on, believing him to be hiding something.

But he wasn't hiding anything, he really hadn't felt anything like that before.

This simple fact made haedzo feal 'broken' even though he cared so much about everyone.

But it was when they talked about maths and physics that Headzo would get excited.

He would spurt out equations after equations, calculations after calculations, aswell as ways to look at the world from a different viewpoint.

To him this world of logic was perfect and comforting.

It would always bring a bright smile to his face.

Carlos' New Look

With the essence of complete freedom embedded in their mind, Carlos entered the first clothing shop they could find.

Upon entering Carlos looked around, trying to decide how they wanted to look, after a few seconds, a pretty, pink bow caught their eye.

Something a bit small but it was a start, they grabbed it hastily before trying it on, in front of the mirror.

Upon tieing it into their synthetic hair, Carlos smiled, for the first time since their birth, Carlos smiled.

Now knowing, finally, what style they were looking for, Carlos grabbed a slightly long blue blazer, with orange highlights at its bottom.

It had an odd shape due to it turning upwards at the waist, as if it were a dress.

Next they grabbed a pair of skin-tight, orange leggings, with the intent of easy mobility and whimsical style.

To go with the blazer and bow, they picked up a red flamboyant bowtie, whith long strands hanging down to just the level of the suits chest.

Finally, they put on some simple, tight, black shoes.

As Carlos admired themselves, in the mirror, they felt complete and protected.

The outfit seemed strange, mildly clown like, but it worked and the many bright colours helped make Carlos feel happier, stronger and more powerful.

As Carlos paid they looked at the price.
"£356.95" it read.

Carlos paid without a second thought; to them the money was worthless.

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