Early years

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Headzo the Happier Times

With every passing day Headzo got smarter as he followed in the footsteps of his parents.

He was proving himself to be as good as an engineer as they where; if not better.

He was only 4 but could still do mathematics to the degree of an overachieving 8 year old and read and write even better.

As he watched, yearning to grasp the physics that went into the creation of the marvellous robot, he was named after, he began to overhear his parents senseless rambling.

"Well it should work, it better work, he deserves a life even after death" his mother rambled "we've done the research we know we're right, give a spirit reason and it will adopt any body presented to it"

Headzo always preferred to tune out the nonsense as he wondered how two people, brilliant enough to built creatons capable of moving seperate heads as if they were their own beings, could believe in such silly superstitions.

But then again he couldn't help but wonder.

What if they were true?

His trust in his parents was strong but not enough to believe in ghosts and ghouls, but enough to feel safe, enough to feel loved.

Headzo cared greatly for his family, his life felt perfect, he never went hungry and his parents would try their best to enforce creativity and acceptance for however Headzo may wish to live.

However happiness can never last forever, and Headzo new this, but he chose to believe thst he is living in the only life that can.

Carlos the Life of Old

By now Carlos new their place. Never seen, never heard, never cared for; unless of course, when they where out in public.

Every week Carlos would be taken, by the parents, to the newly opened entertainment restaurant that become famous for its single creation, a robot, an animatronic, a feat of human ingenuity, Headzo, the nature inspired invention, capable of moving all eight, seperated, heads independently as though they were each their own creation.

Carlos loved this place, not just because it was the only time the parents showed any care, but because of the hunk of metal that stood proud.

Stood alone, the green plant like beast sang and danced, each head attached on a long flower like stem with sharp, yet blunt, perfect, white teeth and pretty, bluish tinted eyes, but the main one, the ninth head, the one that sat on the shoulders, centered, in control, moved and turned watching the children with clear glints of protection visible in its sparkled yellowish-green eyes.

The place was filled with echoes of giggles and smiles from children enjoying their lifes, unbeknownst to the 'demon' that sat watching.

Carlos found this creature fascinating as they couldn't help but wonder and work to figure out how it all worked, the eyes, the heads, the feet, everything, they couldn't help it.

The brain Carlos was given had no choice, everywhere the child looked they saw patterns, slight differences, anything, from the speed of a fly in the corner of the room to the decimal changes in the temperature, be it: Kelven, Celcius or Fahrenheit, its all the child new, their brain would never stop and yet the words spoken by the mother on the day of the child's birth repeated over and over in their mind, "demon child","I don't want it".

Carlos felt no love for their parents but even so, when the child's eyes caught their parents and a smile sat on their face, despite knowing it was a false front, a two faced façade, Carlos couldn't help but feel a slight bit of warmth that would quickly melt into a sludge of anger and hate.

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