The Midway

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Under the reflecting light, from the moon, they walked, a group with the same goal.

"Is it near here?" Finzo queried.

"Not far now." Wing replied.

They continued walking, the darkened shade of the streets plunging them into shadow for most of the trek.

Eventually, they made it, the fluorescent lightening guiding their path.

Stood tall were two men, big and bulky, in a uniformed attire.

Wing held back, as the other three approached.

The men folded their arms, in a threatening manner, as Headzo spoke.

"Hi," Headzo spoke kindly, in a childlike way, "we'd like to go in."

The men looked at him, emotionless before uttering a few words.

"Sorry, not for you." His sturn voice made it clear there was no easy entrance.

"I'll handle this." Wing's voice was confident.

Wing moved up to the man, who spoke, whilst the others gave them space.

The man smirked at seeing someone small and serious approach.

Wing looked up at the man, but they appeared too un-threatening.

The man proceeded to caress Wing's face, much to Wing's disgust.

"What's a pretty thing like you going to do?" The man's tone was loving, kind, demeaning.

The man began to move his hand down to Wing's chest, before Wing grabbed it, and turned it, causing the man great discomfort.

"I'm going to give you two options." Wing was evidently pissed, but kept the confidence and control, "one, you and your mate step aside, and with a little 'welcome' or a 'have a nice night' you let us in."

"And the second?" The man mocked.

"You stay there, maybe you touch me again, and I will proceed to ruin your pretty, little face, then remove your arm, shoving it up whatever crevice would cause you the most discomfort, and then, I will ensure that he can never have any children." Wing warned, gesturing towards the mate.

Having given the threat, Wing let go of the man's arm.

The man didn't listen and instead, tried to caress Wing's face once more, he had made his choice.

Wing knocked the arm to the side, before delivering a perfect punch straight to the man's nose, breaking it, sending him stammering back.

The man's mate attempted to approach Wing, but instead experienced a perfect kick, impacting his groin, sending him back aswell.

The man moved quickly, having got his balance back, throwing a hard punch towards Wing's face.

Wing countered the shot by grabbing it, and pulling it forward, across themselves, before placing the arm round the man's back.

In an instant, Wing dislocated the arm.

The man screeched out in agony, much to the delight of Wing.

As the mate came back for more, wing pushed the man to ground, forcing him to land, face first, to the concrete.

Wing watched the mate, expectingly.

They sent an impact, once again, to the mate's bollocks.

Taking advantage of the mate's pain, as he bent over in agony, Wing grabbed the man's head and kneed him in the face.

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