The Worry of Two

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Headzo's Perils

Out they stepped.

Dread filled the air.

Headzo knew, that with no living tenants, the building would be up for grabs.

Each step the couple took brought an ache to Headzo's stomach.

Into the dark, the group hid, finzo completely hidden, wingzo in the back, Headzo staying and watching from the shadows, as the agent guided the couples path.

They reached out, for the lights, Headzo held his breath.

It didn't work.

Of course it didnt, headzo made sure of it but still, he couldn't help but flinch with the news.

There he stood, prepared, shrouded in the dark.

"Now here is the only bad part," the agent spoke with a sombre tone "Here, the bodies of the previous owners were found, 3 children and 2 adults."

The couples faces were distorted from disgust.

Memories of the ordeal ran through Headzo's mind, repeating constantly, his parents lifeless faces, the noise of the gun, his brothers careless eyes.

Headzo was hurt.

He knew that he couldn't let them take this place, from him.

In a wave of fear, from the table beside him,he clasped a plate, a memory of a life, long gone, and in that instant it flew, and landed, with a crash, echoing through the halls.

The group swung in panic to see the clearly shattered plate.

Suddenly headzo felt in control, as he threw another.

Then another.

Then another.

"Who's doing this, reveal yourself" the husband uttered.

Out he stepped, still in the body of the child he once was.

"Oh, it's just a child" the wife exclaimed, as realisation appeared on the agents visage.

"T...t...that's the child, the son who was found dead" fear coursed through the veins of the group, as the agent spoke.

Then, out the shade, came 2 more, Finzo and Wingzo appeared, in front of the group.

The group tried to scream but no noise came out. Stood shrouded in mystery Finzo began to speak.

"We've been alone so long!" Finzo spoke soft, sad, helpless "please stay, we'll make you like us!"

These words freaked the couple out, and they ran, they ran fast.

No-one, ever again, came to buy the building, news of the haunting grew quickly.

Carlos; a True 'Inspiration'

There, they sat, watching.

A lonely boy slowly edged his way down the street, whilst a black van, laced with tainted windows, began to follow.

The boy was clearly afraid, not sure of what to do.

Still the van made its way closure, evermore.

Within a moment, the door swung wide open and out stepped three, three people in black, their faces obscured, their bodies hidden.

One of them grabbed the boys arm and proceeded to try and drag him into to their blackened den of sin.

Carlos had seen too much, so of course, they intervened.

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