The Way They Work

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Headzo's Way to Cope

Still frankly unsure of how he would find his brother, Headzo walked in the moons light.

It was here he saw something, he'd never before witnessed.

A man wearing black, a cotton hoody sat upon the man's shoulders, and there, in he man's hand, was a knife clearly stained in crimson.

Sat helpless on the ground was another person, bloodied and beaten, gashed with strikes across their chest and face.

Still they breathed.

Their chest moved up and down slow but still living.

Suddenly overtaken by emotion, headzo ducks and hides, shaded by a bin.

It took a while of watching but eventually realisation broke through and headzo stepped out, but his appearances was still like that of the child he once was.

"Greetings, violent law breaker" his voice came off posher then he intended due to the newly felt emotions "I'd recommend putting down that knife and stepping away."

"Who the hell are you?" the man's voice boomed through the alley as Headzo stepped closer "oh, you're a child, well run along before I start cutting off your fingers"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot I stilled looked like this" filled with hidden fear Headzo's skin began to contort inwards allowing the animatronics body to reveal itself.

Stood facing the man, the heads surrounded Headzo's body as though they wished to look threatening.

"What the f...." Headzo's motioning stopped them mid-sentence"

"Language!" Headzo explained leaving the man confused. "now how about that knife?"

'Man's POV'
I stood in fear as the beast approached.

"Put down that knife!" He demanded.

I begged him to leave me, but he continued to approach.

"The knife" he continued "put it down!"

He was relentless, each step he took brought a pit in my stomach, but still he edged closer.

Closer and closer, he stepped.

"I'm warning you, put it down!" His voice got sterner, angrier as hate grow in his face.

Closer he edged.

"Put it down!" By now he was at my face.

Stood directly in front of me, adrenaline fueled my mind, remembering the blood soaked knife in my trembling hand, I took a swipe.

This act of fear was stopped dead in it tracks, as the beast grabbed my arm and twisted it, removing the blade from my palm.

Then in a second his arm moved.

The impact sent me hard to the ground.

There he stood towering above me.

"Here I stand as a warning, learn from this, stop with the violence because if not, if I find you acting with wrath once more, I promise you, I will not act in kindness." His words penetrated my mind and stayed repeating again and again, an echo of truth.

And there the beast left, no hate, no vengeance, just a man with a message.

A message to be understood and remembered.

Carlos, Fear Them

The illumination of the moon brought the only light upon the ground.

Alone in the tenfoot, two men, hidden away, believed to be unseen, one with a knife, the other draped in blood; but still breathing.

Impatient, Carlos drew near to the man.

Bathed in blood he just stood, un-aware of what was about to happen.

'Man's POV'
Stood in front of the one so bloodied and beaten.

Relentless views of power repeat in my mind.

A smile ran evil across my face.

But then I heared a noise, a movement.

I turned a looked but no-one was there.

Confused and startled I spin around, fear overwhelming my body.

An impact, force pushed my leg, making it buckle leading me to the floor.

I turn and look and stand but again no-one was there.

Realising the dread in my heart, I remember the knife grasped in my trembling hand.

I pulled it back, held it high, a frivolous attempt to look threatening.

In a single moment, I felt a hand around my wrist as my blade is yanked from hand; in the pull I collapsed to the ground.

I looked and still no-one was there. Completely helpless, I was thrown against the wall of the ginnel.

Trying to stand, shooting pain inserted itself into my leg.

It was then that saw the long gash on my leg with blood seeping out.

Then my head was slammed against the same wall, I was then rolled over onto my back.

There I saw the moster.

I couldn't move, I don't know why, it could of been the agonising pain all over my body or maybe the fear of the beast in red, paralysing me.

They took a knife and began to carve, the pain was immense but I could not scream.

It was then that they appeared to leave but I'm sure, I'm certain it was there eyes I could see watching me bleed out and die in pain.

They never spoke, that was the worst part, all that hate but no words, just action.

Fear them, the demon from hell, hear to punish and torture.

Fear them!

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