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He stood behind.


With a face of pity, he began to speak.

"Carlos." Headzo spoke with sorrow and sympathy.

Wing turned quickly, in response, trying to cover up their slash ridden arms.

"Yes?" Wing had curiosity in the reason, for their requirement.

They had almost fully pulled down their sleeves, before Headzo grabbed their wrist, pushing their sleeve back up, revealing the cuts.

As they went up, Wing's mind began to panic, forcing their other hand to begin tapping gently and hastly on their leg in a rhythmless beat.

"Your arm is covered," Headzo shook his head slightly, "you really need to stop this."

Wing remained silent, still very stressed, as they continued to tap their leg.

Headzo twisted their wrist to reveal the cubby hole, that held the knives, before doing the same with their other wrist, stopping it from tapping any longer.

Wing remained silent.

"The engineers never did quite finish you did they?" Wing returned a single head shake.

Headzo brought them closer, still grasping their wrists tightly.

He eventually moved his eyes away from the clearly scarred arms, to meet Wing's red haunted pupils.

A face submerged in sympathy.

Headzo moved to embrace them, a warm hug covers them, placing Wing in a vulnerable position that evidently felt nice.

When the cuddle concluded, Headzo left down the hall, without a word.

Wing remained, stood, confused.

Headzo made his way down the hall approaching a doorway to the dining room.

Walking, he couldn't help but reflect on his past actions, realising how much he needed his friends to stand by him.

He opened the door.

There, stood plainly, was Wingzo and Finzo.

"Hello." Headzo spoke with an essence of fear.

They didn't reply, instead just stared emptily.

"I know you're mad, I know you disagree with every choice I'm making, but I need you stop. Stop going against my every whim and instead trust me." Headzo was seeking sympathy.

"You brought a killer into our home, how can we trust you?" Wingzo felt moral superiority.

"I brought a scared child." Wingzo's high ground fell from beneath her.

"How many have they killed?" She grasped for leverage.

"I dont know," His tone shifted, "but I know that their mind is fragile and they need help."
She went silent.

"They're still dangerous." Finzo chimed in.

"Wouldn't you rather have them on our side then?" Headzo picked apart Finzo's point with ease.

They both stood around silently for a moment.

"What do you want us to do?" Wingzo asked, despite still believing Headzo to be wrong.

Headzo took a second to control his breathing.

"They are damaged and unfinished. I would like to change that." Headzo smiled kindly.

"How?" Finzo queried.

"All I need you to do is keep them calm, whilst I do the procedure." Headzo explained.

"Fine." Finzo uttered.

"Great, we'll begin tomorrow." Headzo smirked.

Headzo wandered away pleased with himself.

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