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Headzo wandered down the hall, approaching Wing's door.

He took a moment to breathe in, before using the handle, and walking inside.

"Wing, it's time to go." Headzo uttered calmly.

Wing was sat at a desk, with a book laid before them.

Quickly, they tucked it into a drawer and turned, to look at Headzo.

"Come on, the others are waiting." Headzo urged.

They both left the room and met with the others.

Finzo and Wingzo were stood, waiting by the door.

"Come on it's shopping time!" She was unusually excited, which confused Wing, slightly.

The trip was long, calm, drawn out.

It was an hour before they arrived at a shop titled 'demons and beauty.

They walked inside.

The shop was lined with suits and dresses, of a large array of colours.

The place appeared to be split, men on the left, women on the right, with the changing rooms centered at each side of the shop, and the tills were just to the left with many bowties and ties above it, displayed proudly.

Wing stared at the place, confused of which side they were supposed to be at.

"Ehm..." they looked distressed, "which side am I meant to be at?" They questioned, clearly confused.

"Don't worry you're with me." Wingzo explained. "We're going to find you something cute to wear."

"Alright then, Wing you go with Wingzo, and Finzo's with me." Headzo stated.

Headzo went to the left with Finzo, whilst Wing followed Wingzo.

"Okay then, what is your style?" Wingzo asked, expecting a reply but instead got a blank stare. "What colour suits you best?" still no real reply.

Wing just stared emptily at Wingzo, before slightly shrugging their shoulders.

"Oh, I see, then I guess we'll have to find out. You'll have try on different colours until we find one to fit." Wingzo gave a solemnly smile. "Have you ever worn a dress?" Wingzo queried.

"No, I would always wear the simple black hoodies and a shirt, and now this colourful blazer is all I wear." Wing stated, slightly miserable.

"Well then, I guess we've got a lot of work to do." Wingzo smiled.

Wingzo looked through dresses, hung up on steel racks, for a few moments, before pulling one out.

It was a vibrant green, like that of a leaf branched from a beautiful, well watered flower under a clear, sunny sky.

"Here," she handed Wing the dress, "the changing rooms are just over there, go try that on." She ordered.

Wing wandered over to the rooms, the crimson curtains flowing gently.

Upon going inside, they faced a dilemma.

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