The Day They Met

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The One Who Needs Help

Through streets, he wandered.

He continued his trek, never stopping, rarely slowing, at least that was until he heared a loud, obnoxious, scream of pain.

The sound settled in his mind as he remembered the person he was looking for.

A Killer.

One Killer that presented little care, little sympathy. 

Of course he ran to the noise, hoping, finally, he'd meet them.

As he ran, the screams grew louder, light created from the sun's reflection on the moon, lit his way, a guiding light.

The screams grew even louder.

Closer he got.

Then he saw them, knelt down, a knife grasped in their hand and man, still breathing, clearly in pain.

A strange combination of dread and excitement spread throughout his body, as he just stood, emotionless, frozen, unsure of what to say but, suddenly, their mouth took control.

"Wing?" Headzo didn't mean to speak, but it just came out.

"What? Who are you?" They spoke softy, irritated, as they turned their head slightly, to the side.

"H...Headzo." He stuttered slightly, still shocked that this was real.

"Yes, I know the robots name, it did kill me after all." They spoke, clearly impatient, "I meant what's your real name, your living name?"

"I told you. My name is Headzo." Headzo understood the confusion but still felt annoyed.

"Oh, well I suppose that makes you the restaurant owners' child?" They seemed clever.

"Yes, how'd you know?" Headzo felt confused as though their mind wasn't quite functioning.

"Quite simple. Headzo is a strange name for a child, unless it's named after something, most likely a creation of great importance. It's also unusual to name a child after something you didn't create and as your parents were famous for creating their first animatronic themselves, that leaves you, as their child. Which also makes you the younger brother of the boy who tried to save me." They seemed full of themselves.

"Right, of course. Well hi." Headzo put forward a smile, trying to look kind.

"What do you want? And why did you call me Wing?" They seemed confused.

"Wing. It's the name of your.....body" Headzo put it simply and continued to explain the answer, to first question "and I need your help."

"What help could you possibly desire from me?" They responded, clearly not use to being needed.

"It's my brother." He took a pause before he continued which appeared to slightly irritate the killer, as they interrupted.

"What about your brother? In danger? Stuck? Why do you need me?" They seemed to be impatient.

"No, none of that." He found it hard to say the truth "it's about revenge. It's about how I died."

"Okay, why do you need me?" Headzo couldn't help but notice that loneliness in their words, as they asked further questions.

"You're a specialist aren't you?" Headzo gave another smile, trying to signify honesty.

"Oh, okay, so you want him dead." They seemed to present a form of glee, as they spoke "how do want him to die then? Slow? Fast? Painful? Painless? A work of art?"

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