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Headzo's Friends, What They Think

Stood, analysing the wall of evidence once more.

Headzo struggled; it had seemed like the killings were becoming more random.

"Are you really still working on that?" Finzo questioned.

"Yes." Headzo responded quickly, as though his mind needed to focus on something more.

"They're a serial killer, what makes you think they'll help?" These words alert headzo the moment they leave wingzo's mouth.

"Because they're like us, and humanity is what made them like it." Headzo started to get annoyed.

"What do you mean?" Both finzo and wingzo spoke simultaneously, curiosity fueling the question.

"I remember the day that they died." Headzo began "they walked in bloodied and beaten but nobody cared, nobody even looked, nobody ever looked."

"They got in a fight?" Finzo was confused.

"They came in like that every Friday, that wasn't fight wounds." Headz spoke with a sombre tone "and it wasn't an accident"

"Oh" the two felt bad "still, you need to stop, they're clearly too far gone and impossible to find"

Headzo knew that they were right, but refused to give up.

"No, I can do it, I know I can. No matter how long it takes, I will help them" Headzo was sure.

"Do what you want" Finzo wasn't best pleased.

"Headzo please be careful" wingzo worried "they're dangerous, don't be stupid"

Headzo was left alone once more.

Still confused, he continued to lookover the evidence he had, hoping he'd figure it out.

Still he was unsure, completely clueless.

Carlos' Own Entertainment

One single idiot.

That's all it takes.

A man, dressed in blue, approached Carlos, his face gleamed with intention.

Carlos was just walking by, already miserable, minding their own business.

The man got closer.

Carlos was honestly a little afraid but they tried not to show it.

Closer, the man grabbed at Carlos' hair pulling it back.

Confused, Carlos reacted.

They grabbed the creeps hand, before twisting it round, and throwing him to the floor.

Then they went for his legs, ensuring the man wouldn't be able to walk and therefore leave.

Carlos grabbed the idiot dragging him, somewhere private.

The journey didn't take long but greatly hurt the odd fellow.

"Now that we are somewhere private," Carlos rambled on "I think it's time for some fun"

Excited yet angry, Carlos pulled out a knife.

It wasn't long before the man's shirt was ripped off, leaving his bare chest completely visible.

"Now then, let's begin." Carlos' voice was sadistic.

Carlos first took to the face, they grabbed at the man's chin pushing it up.

"Shall we see what's behind your eyes?" A smirk grew on Carlos' face.

The man screamed as Carlos removed his first eye.

"Look at that, you don't need an eye to cry" Carlos spoke with condescending intent.

Carlos moved their knife to his cheek.

Placed gently, pushing into the man's skin, Carlos scraped it along cutting deeply into to side if his mouth.

Blood ran down Carlos' hand and covered their knife.

A grin grew strongly upon their face.

"And now, because you grabbed my hair" Carlos was serious "it is only fair, that I make sure you won't be able to grab ever again"

Carlos inserted the knife deeply into the man's hand.

Slowly they ripped the skin of the creeps palm, and their fingers and than removing the nails until his hand was bare.

The man wailed in pain, but Carlos refused to take pity, as they moved to the wrists.

"Oh, don't worry I slit mine all the time. You get used to it after a while." Carlos hadn't expected to feel emotion, but they did with this statement.

Taking to the wrists, they began to cut, to slit and by now blood spewed everywhere; it was a mess.

Hearing the screams once more, Carlos started to get bored and decided that they would shut the man up themselves.

Irritated, Carlos pulls out a sewing needle and rips out a handful of the strangers dark brown hair.

"Enjoy you screams because I promise you they will be you last!" Carlos knew what they were doing was wrong, but they felt compelled to do it.

Using the idiots own hair, Carlos sewed the man's mouth shut whilst they pushed his forehead, keeping him still.

Eternal silence.

"Now isn't that better?" Carlos questioned.

Carlos moved away, still deciding what they'd do next.

"I've always wanted to see a person's organs for myself but i never got the chance" Carlos continued "Well do you know what this is?"

The man dared not move.

"A chance" Carlos replied.

Carlos proceeded to tear open the man's stomach, unseaming him.

Carlos viewed the innards with an essence of glee, before placing a hand firmly on his ribs.

"I wonder how much pressure is required to snap these," anger bubbled in Carlos' mind "Shall we find out?"

The man tried to scream, as his ribs were torn from his chest, but no words came out.

"Did you know that you only need one kidney to survive?" They questioned not expecting an answer.

Violently, Carlos tore one of the kidneys from the body of the man.

No sound came out.

"Fine, don't speak" Carlos held in a laugh "I guess I'm just going to have to write you a message!"

Moving at a reduced pace, Carlos grabbed the man's head holding it tight.

There, on the forehead, Carlos carved a wing, and a message.

"Fear me" the message read.

Feeling fulfilled, Carlos pulls out the man's heart, crushing it, within their hands.

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