The Ball

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Sat still, was Wing.

Their leg tapping quickly on the ground, in a senseless beat.

As they rubbed their arms, their breathing was rapid.

Unsure of whether they were stressed or nervous, their eyes jumped around the room, movement with no control.

They continued in this manner, until they focused on the darkness of the corner, of the room, with the red, demonic eyes moving closer.

With their concentration on the creature growing, their panic slowed and became subdued.

In that moment, the door began to open, the slit of the closed door widening, letting more and more light seep through.

Quickly, Wingzo popped her head through, before wandering in.

She stood proud, in a simple baby blue dress.

The skirt was short reaching only to the knee caps.

Her arms were completely exposed, she had nothing to hide, unlike Wing, whose arms were marked prominently and the skin completely destroyed.

The theme of blue made it's way to her shoes, which were smooth, with a small elevated heel.

"You haven't even started getting ready!" She said with a shocked expression.

"Nobody told me what time we were going." They retorted, defensively.

"We've only got an hour, you need to get ready." She urged.

"If we've got an hour, then why are we needing to rush?" They queried, confused.

"Your parents were rich weren't they?" She asked, gaining only a nod from Wing. "So you should know it takes a bit longer to get ready, when going somewhere fancier."

Wingzo moved quickly towards the wardrobe, pulling out a beautiful, pink outfit with a crystal like pattern, that reflected neatly off the rays of white light.

"Get this on, with speed, we don't have long." She ordered.

Wing grabbed the dress and proceeded to remove their blazer, in order to slip it on.

The cloth brushed gently on their arms, as it was pulled up.

Wingzo moved closer, before turning Wing.

She acted calmly in tieing the large bow around Wing's back, ensuring it was tight.

"Now, on the chair." She patted a wooden, paint peeling chair.

"Why?" Wing asked.

"Why do you think?" Her question was rhetorical. "I'm doing your hair."

"But I've already got what I like. I like the bow." They pleaded.

"Your dress has already got a bow, now sit." She patted the chair once more.

Wing did as they were told, sitting, ready for a new style.

They watched in the mirror, as Wingzo picked up a simple black hair brush and admired their hair.

Without much fuss, she removed the bow from Wing's fabricated tress.

Their hair wasn't tremendously long but it was able to reach their shoulders, allowing Wingzo to brush through it smoothly.

"W....what are you doing?" They stammered.

"I'm just brushing it straight, it'll suit you better." She explained.

Wing just sat, nervous, staring into the mirror, intently.

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