The Beast

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Wing stood, reflecting on yesterday's work.

That need to kill, subdued by a desire to please a friend.

The more they thought about their actions, the more they drifted from reality, until they felt a firm hand on their shoulder, bringing them out of their trance.

Shocked, they span around, expecting Headzo to be stood behind them.

Instead, what they saw, was nothing, nothing at all.

Stood confused, they felt the presence once more, a beast in the dark.

Just at their side, in the dark, they saw the shadow again.

This time they had no fear.

"What do you want?" They thought to question, through gritted teeth.

"You......Let......Them......Live." It's voice was soft and slow.

"Correct." They had little patience.

"W...hy?" It's drawn out speech was calm and controlled.

"I didn't want to kill them." They knew they weren't telling the truth.

"Lies......You.....Wanted.....To....Kill" It's echoing voice revealed honest truth.

"What the fuck even are you?" Their patience grew thinner.

"I......Am......Yours." It's words were shrouded in mystery.

"What?" They felt the beasts confused masterpiece.

"I......Am......You." It's words were clearer.

"If you were me, I wouldn't be talking, now fuck off." Anger was eating at them.

"They......Still......Live." The beast wanted action.

"Yes, we've gone over this, now speak quicker, I don't have all day!" They were getting tired of the conversation.

"You......Can......Go......Back." It spoke with urgency.

"No." They were sturn.
"Go......Back." It repeated.
"I'm not going back." They tried to reply once more.

Wing began to grab at their head, trying to block it out.

"Go......Back." It ordered.

"No, you are not in control, I am, I am in control!" They screamed.

"Go......Back." It repeated.

"FUCK OFF!" They shouted.

Everything went silentx as the door behind them opened.

"Who are you talking to?" Headzo innocently queried.

Wing looked back at were the beast was, before replying.

"No one, what do you want?" Wing asked, clearly stressed, wearing a fake smile on their face.

"I forgot to tell you yesterday, in order to find our next lead, we are attending some rich man's grand ball." Headzo explained. "So tomorrow we're going into town, you'll be shopping with Wingzo. Is that alright?"

"Yes, that's fine." Wing answered.

Headzo gave a silent nod and a smile, before leaving.

Wing just stood and stared at the darkness, wishing the beast would leave them be.

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