Just the Girls

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My aunt and grandma took me swimming.

They called it a girl's day.

Grandma wasn't getting in the pool, so my aunt took me to the women's locker rooms to change.

Usually, I came to the pool with my mom and little brother.

Those times we went into the family locker room to change. It was nice because even though it was a mixed-gender space there was plenty of privacy.

The woman's' locker room was different. It was a larger open space with lockers and benches. The only private place to change were the bathroom stalls. 

I hid in one and put on my swimsuit.

When I came back out, there were quite a few more people changing, and my aunt was pissed. 

"Why did you hide in the bathroom stall to change?" 

"I didn't want strangers to see me naked." I answered.

"Everyone else here are girls! They aren't looking!" She'd scolded. 

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