chapter 1

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"Bre! They're home!" My best friend Ashley yelled. She is one of the only one that knows my secret.
"Ahh!" We screamed and ran down the stairs to see Beau walking in the door.
"BEAU!!" I screamed and jumped into my brothers arms.
"Hey bre!" He laughed and kissed my cheek.
"Luke!! Jai!!" I screamed and hugged them.
You are probably wondering why I'm freaking out. I'm freaking out cause the guys were on tour. And i havent seen them for awhile as they are living in LA.I missed them so much!
"BRE!" They both yelled and hugged me.
I have always been close to my brothers.
I am a year younger than the twins, which makes me now 19.
"The guys are coming over later." Beau said as he put his arm around my shoulder.
"Oh." I said and looked at the ground.
"Well um I will stay in my-" I was cut off by my phone.
It was my Boyfriend Matt.
From Matty❤:
Hey, come over later.

Come over later? That's all no hey babe! Or I love you or kisseys.

To Matty❤:
Yea sure.x

"I've gotta go, I just wanted to say hi and bye before I left." Asley said. She was going to the UK to see her grandparents.
"Bye babe, have fun!" Me and beau both said and hugged her.
Jai and Luke did the same.
Just as she opened the door my mum stepped in.
"Oh! Ashley! I wanted to tell you have a safe trip!" She said and hugged her. Ashley has always been like another sister around the house.
"Bye guys." She said as she walked out to her car and left.
I'm gonna miss her for the whole month she's gone.
My mum screamed when she walked in.
"What's wrong mum?" Beau asked innocently and then was tackled into a big hug.
"My boys!!" She cried and pulled the twins into the hug and me.
"Oh mum the guys are coming over" Jai said as they all turned to me.
"Uh Matt wants to hang out." I said and went to my room.
I hate not being able to see the guys when they are here.
I plopped down on my bed and got out my laptop. Editing my latest YouTube video.
Yes I do YouTube videos too. Me Ashley, Aubrey, Lexie and Jenny are in a group called Impossible.(just made it up, yes ik its stupid)
We do some covers of songs an have fun. We are kinda like the Janoskians but girls. Me and Aubrey come up with pranks, my brothers help sometimes. I do all the editing. Actually me and Luke like to edit together, its like a bonding thing.
Jenny Lexie and Ashley do most of the singing.
Jenny and Ashley are also sisters.
"Banana?" I instantly knew it was Luke because he is the only one that calls me banana.
"Hey Llama." I said
We gave each other cute nicknames when were little he is Llama and I'm banana
He walked in and closed the door behind him and sat down next to me.
"Hows the editing?" He asked.
"It's getting better. I love how you do the Janoskians videos. They are just cool." I said not taking my eyes off the screen.
"Thanks. So how are you and Matt?"
"We're good, I'm gonna go see him today."
"OK, well the guys are coming in about 10." He patted my back and walked out.
"Ugh." I got up and put on my black converse and a beanie and walked out of my bedroom. Turning out the light as I left.
"Bye guys, have fun." I yelled and grabbed my penny board heading towards my bf house.
"Hey is Matt here?" I asked his mum.
"Yes, he is upstairs in his room." I thanked her and went to his room.
I knocked and opened the door and what I saw bring tears to my eyes.
I looked at Matt and a girl laying in his bed naked.
"M-matt?" I cried.
"Oh my gosh, Bre! It's not what it looks like!" He screamed and put on boxers and pants.
"Oh really? Well it looks like you are fucking cheating on me!" I yelled
"Wait you 2 are dating?!" The girl asked shocked.
"Were." I snapped.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! He said he was single and I thought he liked me. If I would have known I promise you I wouldn't have done that." She cried.
"It's fine, just get dressed and go " I said.
"Baby, I'm sorry." Matt said walking towards me.
I smacked his hand away. I immediately regretted it as I felt his hand hit my face.
I grabbed my cheek and stared at him.
"I- I... Bre I'm so-"
"Save it Matt! We're done!" I screamed and ran out the door.
Grabing my penny board and running home.
I got to the house and ran in. Collapsing in front of the door.
"Bre?" I looked up to see all of the guys staring at me.
"I'm so sorry." I cried and held my face.
"Oh my god! What the hell happen?" Beau screamed taking my hand off of my face.
"N-nothing." I cried more.
"This doesn't look like fucking nothing! Did Matt do this?" He yelled.
I flinched as he touched the bruise.
Before I could reply the door bell rang.
James opened it and there stood Matt.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" He said coming up to me.
"No you fucking hit me and cheated on me! You bastard!!!" I yelled.
"I'm sorry"
"You cheated on my sister, and fucking HIT HER!? IM GONNA KIKL YOU!" he screamed and chased him out of the house.
''Hey shh its OK, llamas got you." I chuckled at my brothers weirdness
"So, uhm." We looked up and Daniel and James were just staring.
"Uh, im Bre, I'm a frie-"
"She's our sister." Beau cut me off.
"Beau no. You wanted it to be a secret." I said.
"Well you're my sister and I should be proud." He hugged me tight.
"Yea! We are proud too!" Jai said as him and Luke hugged me.
"I- I am just gonna go wash up." I muttered and ran up the stairs to my room.
As I was washing my face in my bathroom someone walked in.
"Um, hi Bre." Daniel said
"Hey Skip." I said not taking my eyes off of the mirror.
"You know who I am?" He questioned.
"Of course I do! I mean I do help Luke with editing the videos and they always talk about you and James." He chuckled.
"Do you make videos too?"
"Yes, I make videos like you guys, except I'm in a group called the impossible. " he nodded
We both walked into my room and I pulled out my laptop.
"Are you the editor of the group?" I nodded and pulled up the recent video I was working on.
I plopped down on my bed and skip did as well.
"You're amazing!" I blushed as he kissed my cheek.
None of the boys knew this but ever since the Janoskians formed I had a crush on Skip.
"You're blushing!" He laughed and pinched my cheeks.
"Stop skip!" I laughed and pushed him off.
"Make me!" I ran out there door and half way down the stairs he jumped onto my back making us both fall.
"Ow!" I laughed.
"Hey what's going on?" Beau laughed.
It looked really awkward cause Skip was ontop of me.
"Uh.... IT WAS SKIPS FAULT! HE JUMPED ON ME!" I screamed pointing at him.
He laughed.
I love his laughed.
"Thank you babe." He winked making me blush.
Did I just say that out loud?
"Yes you did." He laughed making me blush even more.
"She's blushing!!!!" Jai said pinching my cheeks.
"Get off of me you dick!" I laughed pushing him.
"You don't want my dick?" He pouted trying not to laugh.
"Ew Jai! You're my brother that's gross!!"
"Luke doesn't think so." He said winking.
"You two are sick." I laughed.
"We know." They said at the same time.

A/n: my first chapter of my Janoskians story. I might be ending the other two of stereo Kicks soon. I am starting to drift off a little. Trust me they still mean the world to me. I will always love them. I just don't know how to continue. Comment vote and tell your friends to read them. Xx

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