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The next morning I woke up with the worst hangover. I pulled the blankets off of me and took in my surroundings. I was in a mud puddle, in my back yard? Hmm. I stood up and stumbled to the back door. I opened it to see Jai and Luke on the floor.

"Wake up losers." I whispered.

They didn't wake.

I grabbed a bucket and filled it with ice water then walked over to my big brothers and dumped it on them.

"Fuck!" Luke yelled.

Jai jumped up but slipped making me giggle.

"What the fuck? You fucking cunt!" Luke yelled.

"Shut up its 3 pm." I whispered/yelled

"Oh shit!" They both scurred up the stairs as I took some pain killers.

"Morning." Someone mumbled. I turned around to see a shirtless James.

And must I say, James has some nice abs

"Why thank you Miss. Brooks." He winked making me blush

"I said that out loud didn't I?" He nodded and chuckled.

"It's OK, I know I have some killer abs." He said as he filled his glass with water.

"Hey sexy" I felt Daniels arms wrap around my waist.

"Hey." I turned around and peck him on the lips.

"Hey James!"

"Hey skip!" James said and walked out of the room.

"So now that we are alone what do you want to do?" Daniel whispered in my ear sending shivers down my back.

"Well I have a few things in my mind." I said back and kissed him. He instantly kissed back and picked me up setting me on the counter. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his body.He grabbed the hem of my shirt and began pulling it up.

"Ah no, no sex on the counter!" Beau yelled as he walked into the front door.

"Does anyone know how I ended up in the park? I woke up to a little kid hitting me." He said and rubbed his head.

I giggled and pushed Daniel off of me and jumped down.
"So what are we doing today?" I asked.

They shrugged. I sighed and went to my room and got on my laptop.

I have an idea! Ok so the other day I saw this picture that said that when I become famous I am going to make a fan account and become friends with fans and blah blah then meet up with them and they will be so surprised!!!

I got on Twitter and made a new account.

"@impossiblesNo1Fan " I said to myself. I mean it's an OK name.
Ok now my bio....

"I am Impossibles #1 fan! I also love The Janoskians because they are Babes. Follow me! I follow back!" Eh its good enough.

First tweet... First tweet... Ah!

"@impossiblesNo1Fan: Tweet "

I know I'm too cool. Ok so do I tweet myself? Try to act like a real fan?

"@DanielSahyounie you're so sexy. "

Yea I just went there and it's even better that he doesn't know its me! Ha!

"@DanielSahyounie: @impossiblesNo1Fan yes babe, I know no need to tell me. ❤"

Slut. Haha

"Hey babe, what's up?" I look over to see Daniel.

" nothing much. Come lay down." I scooted over and patted the spot next to me.

He smirked and plopped down and wrapped his arms around my waist and cuddled into my side. His head on my stomach and my arm over his shoulder. I took a selfie of us then Tweeted it on my actual account.

"@Bre_Brooks1(sorry if that's anyone's actual name): with my baby @DanielSahyounie ❤ 'photo attachment'"

I went back on my fan account and RT it. I soon got a new follower.
I followed back and DMd them.
"Hey! I'm Lynn."
I instantly got a reply.
"Hi I'm Patience! I'm a huge Fan on The Janoskians and Impossible."
"Same! My favs are Daniel and Bre ❤"
"Omg mine are Bre and Luke, Luke is just so cute!!"
"Yea IKR! So how old are you?"
"Just turned 19. "
"So did I! You seem so cool! We need to meet sometime!"
"Yas! That would be so awesome!"
"So where do you live?"
"Sydney Australia you?"
" melbourne australia"
"Dude! That's the same city as all of them. Have you met them?"
"Uh no not yet but I want to so bad!"
"I've only met the Janoskians once and Impossible twice."
"Lucky! I have to go, What's your phone number so I can text later? "
She sent her phone and I put it in my contacts as Patience
"It's now 10PM and Daniel has fallen asleep on my chest. I was twirling his hair in my fingers then my phone buzzed.

From patience :
Hey its Rylie! I forgot to ask, what do you look like?

To Patience:
Um I'll send a pic in a sec.

I slowly got up and walked down the stairs. I saw Luke sitting on the couch with one of our old friend Lilly.

" hey Lil, Luke." I smiled and sat down.
"What's up?"
"Ok so I am texting this Fan. I'm acting like a fan and she asked what I looked like."
"Um OK. Well use my face." Lil said excitedly.
"Yea sure." She smiled and took my phone.
She took a selfie and handed it back.
"Thanks babe." I kissed her cheek and ran back up to my room.

To Patience:
This is meh. 'Photo attachment'

From Patience:
You're gorg. Here is meh: 'photo attachment'

Oh shit she was beautiful. She had baby blue hair with baby blue eyes.

To Patience:
Girl! You're beautiful!

From Patience:
Thanks bæ! ❤

I turned off my phone and decided to go to bed.

"Goodnight Daniel." I whispered and kissed my boyfriends head

I'm gonna miss him so much. This week is gonna go by so fast.

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