chapter 4

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I kept running, then I stopped in the middle of the road. I saw the bright lights coming right towards me and I couldn't move.
I closed my eyes and felt something bang into me, and screetching of tires.
I opened my eyes again, I was on the side of the road. In harmed.
I walked into the smoke and saw a body laying in the center.
"No! DANIEL!" I screamed.
I ran up to him and hugged him.
"No." There was blood everywhere.
"Bre." He choked out.
"Daniel." I cried.
"I may have only met you the other day but-" he stopped and coughed.
"You mean the world to me Bre, I- I Love you" he breathed out and shut his eyes.
"Daniel!!!!!" I screamed.
I was soon picked up by someone.
"No! Daniel! I love you too!" I cried out and I was being pulled away.
I cried into the persons chest.
"Shhh its OK." Beau said. I could tell he was crying.
"Um mam, can I ask you what happen?" A police officer asked after I calmed down
I nodded my head and she sat down next to me and the guys.
"Well it happened this morning. Daniel found out that I liked him, I was so embarrassed so I decided to go to a tree house me and my brothers built. As I was looking through pictures he came up the ladder." I said.
"Well after that he kissed me. I kinda freaked out and ran. I was crying so I couldn't see where I was going. And before I knew it I saw a car coming my way and Daniel pushed out of the road. He saved my life." I cried.
"You have to be strong for me Bre." She said.
I breathed in and nodded.
"How long have you known him?"
"Well I actually met him a few days ago but he has been best mates with my brothers for years." I explained
"Alright well if I need anything else I will get a hold of you." She said and left.
Beau sat next to me again and hugged me
"He saved me Beau. That should have been me." I cried as he rubbed my back.
"You know you're right! That should have been you! It's all your fault we probably lost our best mate!" Luke screamed at me.
The next part shocked me.
Jai punched him right in the face.
"It's not her fault! It was an accident! Don't you dare say that to our sister!" He yelled.
"Stop!" I screamed making them stop fighting.
"Go home." Beau said calmly.
They glared then left.
"Let's go to the hospital now." James said.
We jumped into the car and headed to the hospital.
"Friends of Daniel Sahyounie" The doctor said making all of us stand up. And by all of us I mean me, Beau, James, Jai and Luke. After they stopped fighting
"Um OK so follow me." He led us to an empty room.
"Well Daniel has a few injuries. He has a broken arm, and a sprained ankle." He read off of a paper
"And I'm sorry but Daniel is in a coma. He could wake up tomorrow, next month, next year or never."

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