chapter 17

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Bre POV:
"Come on. We're going out." He yelled grabbing me by my forearm and dragging me.
"Wh-where are we g-going?" I stuttered as he pushed me into the car.
It was really dark out. Maybe around 9, 9:30 pm. This is the first time I have been out since I got there.
He pulled up to an abandoned area. And he got out, walking over to my side. He pulled me by the arm and turned me around tying my hands together.
"Where are we?!" I cried out in pain as he pushed me up against the cat roughly.
"You listen to me. You will not speak, run away or move. If you do I'll kill you on the spot. Got it?" He spat.
I nodded my head.
He pulled out his phone and dialed a number.
"I'm here, where are you?!"
"Hurry up if you want her alive!" He yelled and hung up.
I closed my eyes as a car pulled up behind me.
"Do you have it?" He asked holding onto my arms.
"Let her go!" The other person yelled making me turn around to see Daniel.
"Daniel!" I yelled.
Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my leg. I looked down and all I saw was blood.
"I told you to not speak you fool!" He yelled and pulled me away from Daniel.
"Let her go!" He yelled.
Daniels POV:
There she the middle of the parking lot.
Mike standing behind her holding a gun to her head.
"Make a move and I'll shoot her." He smiled.
I watched as beau walked closer to him, distracting him.
"I'm serious! I'll shoot her!"
"Not if I shoot you first." I spoke pulling out my gun.
Just then Bre pulled away and kicked him making him shoot.
With out thinking I closed my eyes and shot. Hearing a body land to the ground.
I opened my eyes and saw him on the ground. Blood pouring from his head. I killed him.
"Daniel." I looked over and saw Bre holding the side of her stomach. My eyes widened and I ran to her.
Catching her before she fell.
"Daniel." She chocked out.
"Bre. No."
"I love you." She pulled my face to hers and kissed me.
I felt her hands and kiss get weak and her head fell.
The next moments were a blur. Police cars and ambulances pulled up. Mike was taken to the hospital as well as Bre. The police asked what happen and we said mike had stabbed and shot Bre. And shot himself and we found them. Yes the part of him shooting himself was a lie.
Life was crazy after that day..
Patience found out beau cheated on her and they broke up but a few months later they got back together and got married. They had twins. James and Ashley started dating shortly after and on their 4 year anniversary James proposed. Ashley ended up having 2 beautiful girls but died 5 years later from cancer. James did not get remarried. Jai and Aubrey also started dating. Finally after 6 years of their crazy relationship he proposed. They are still engaged and about to get married. Jenny moved to England after the sad lost of her sister and became an actress. Luke met kiana shortly after Jenny left. They are still dating and happier than ever. As for me I'm happily married to Bre. The day she got shot she went into a coma. I thought I had lost her but I didn't. Sadly we lost our baby. A year after she woke up I proposed. We now have 3 kids and a dog named Chester.

The End.
I hope you enjoyed the story. Sorry that it is over. Love you all ❤

I'm sorry you died in the story. I still love you cuz. Lol ❤

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