chapter 7

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"Hey guys we're daresundays and today we are doing human dartboard." They said.
"Daniel isn't going to join us today as he got out of the hospital a few weeks ago but we finally managed James to come." Beau laughed.
I couldn't stop laughing. Jai now had blood running down his leg from a dart hitting his butt cheek.
Beau was also winning.
Luke grabbed the cardboard dartboard that had a big hole in the middle.
He pulled down his pants an put his butt in the hole.
"Oh wow. Luke's got a better ass then me." I said and examined my brothers butt.
Me being a weirdo I slapped it making him groan.
I laughed and walked back over to my chair.
The boys decided to stay in australia for another month because of the accident.
"Best friends you are my fucking best friend and honestly this is the best night ever"
I picked up my phone to see that I have gotten a text from Ashley.

From AshBear:
Hey BreBear, cum Outside. ;) xx
Me and Ashley always try to make our texts dirty. It hilarious.
To AshBear:
Hey AshBear! OK I'll cum in a sex. ;) xx
I put my phone in my pocket and sneaked back into the house. On the way to the front of the house I grabbed a banana.
I peeled the banana and took a bite as I opened the door.
"Surprise!!!!" Ashley and Jenny screamed making me choke on my banana.
"!" I managed to say as I grabbed Ashley's water that was in her hand and took a drink.
''Its OK I'm all good!" I laughed and hugged them.
"I just had sexxx and it felt so good felt so good-"
I laughed as my phone went off with Daniels song he picked.
"H-hello?" I laughed
"Hi baby are you okay?"
"My ringtone for you gets me every time" he chuckled.
"Haha, I love it!"
"Me too, so what do you want?"
"Whetttttt? Can't a boyfriend just call his girlfriend to tell her how much he loves him!" He gasped. I knew he was faking.
"I guess not." I laughed.
"OK fine I need somewhere to stay and the boys won't answer their phones. I don't know why."
"They're shoving darts up each others ass. And yea you can stay."
"Haha OK good, I'm outside your house." I rolled my eyes and laughed.
"Come in." I laughed and hung up waiting for him to come to the door.
Seconds later the door bell rang and Ashley answered it.
"Uh the boys are outback." She said really fast. She still doesn't know that they know.
"Haha I don't want to see them slu+s. Oh hey babe!" Daniel said as I walked in.
"Hey cutie." He walked past Ashley and kissed me hard.
"What the hell?" Ashley and Jenny said.
"I thought you were " secret sister"" she used quotations around secret sister.
"I was. Until I met this loser." I laughed.
"How long have you two been a thing?"
"Since.... Oh wow. It was the day you got out of the hospital." I said looking at him and he nodded.
"Why were you in the hospital?"
"Uh. There was an accident." He mumbled.
He hated talking about it so do I.
"Tell us what happen." They begged
We shook our heads.
"Fine! I got hit by a fucking car saving Bre!" He yelled and walked off.
The girls looked shocked .
I rolled my eyes and ran after him.
"Daniel?" I said as I opened the door to my room.
He was laying in my bed hugging my pillow.
"Hey babe, its OK." I soothed him.
"No its not."
"Cause if I never would have pushed you out of the way or caught up to you in time, there could of been a chance of me loosing you. Bre I can't loose you." He cried.
I laid down in front of him so we were facing each other.
"Daniel, I could've lost you. If you died then I wouldn't know what to do with myself."
He looked at me and smiled.
"I love you so much."
"I love you too" I leaned in and kissed him hard.
I woke up to the smell of breakfast. Mmm food! I went to go get up but I felt arms around me.
I smiled and turned to see a sleeping Daniel.
"Babe. I want food." I said trying to wake him. He just groaned and pulled me in closer.
"Babe." I said again. Nothing.
I have up and put my lips on his, him instantly kissing back.
"Well good morning grimlin(can't spell)" I giggled.
He looked at me with the biggest smile on his face.
"What?" I asked.
"You're beautiful." He said and kissed me.
"You're beautiful too babe. Now let me go eat." I said trying to get out.
He held on tighter. And started tickling me.
"D-daniel no please stop!" I laughed.
"Only if you say Daniel Sahyounie is the sexiest person on earth and I'm going to fuck him tonight." He laughed
"Fine." He started tickling me more.
He laughed and kissed me hard.
"OK go." He pushed me off the bed and laughed as I walked down stairs.
"You're not fucking Daniel Tonight." Beau laughed coming up behind me.
"Why not?" I joked.
"Cause you're still a virgin. And I'm not sure if you'd want him taking it." He giggled soon Daniel joined in.
"How do you know if I am a virgin or not? " I winked
They both looked at me.
"Who?!" Beau asked
"Haha I know people." I winked.
Tbh I am still a virgin.
I know i know I'm 19 and its stupid that I've never done it blah blah blah. Oh well.
"Lexie is coming over." Ashley said.
I nodded and continued eating.
I walked up stairs to take a shower and get dressed.
I put on my dirty pig sweater and skinny jeans with my converse.
I walked back down stairs to see Daniel wearing basically the same thing.
"Twinzies!!!" We yelled doing spirit fingers.
Me, Daniel, beau, the twins, Ashley, Jenny and James all decided to watch TV and wait for Lexie.
Me and Daniel sat on the love seats. Ashley and James we in the big chair. Beau and Luke were on the floor along with Jai and Jenny.
"Hey, you think James and Ashley would be cute?" Daniel asked.
I looked back over to them and smiled
"Yes." Soon we heard the doorbell ring and Lexie walked in.
She hugged us all. They she turned to Daniel and pecked his lips. He looked shocked so do I.
"I missed you." She said and hugged him.
He didn't hug back.
I could feel anger build up inside of me.
"Uh Lexie. What are you doing?" I said through gritted teeth.
"Just saying hi to Skippy." She giggled
"Can you come to the kitchen with me?" I asked.
I watched as she blew a kiss to Daniel and followed me.
"What's up with you and Daniel?" I tried to stay calm.
"Nothing but I might ask him out. After we kissed I started getting feelings for him. He is a cutie." She winked
"You can't date him." I said.
"Why?!" She snapped.
"It's no like he's yours." Hahahaha
"Actually. Lexie. Me and Daniel are dating." I said
"Hmmmm you just don't want me taking him cause you're jealous of what we have." No bitch.
"She's not lying lexie." I turned around to see Daniel.
He smiled and me and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"I'm sorry Lexie. But I'm madly, deeply in love with Bre." He told her.
I could see she was about to cry.
"No! WE ARENT FRIENDS ANYMORE! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!" She screamed and ran out of the house.
I felt my eyes start to water.
"She's gone."
"Hey, if she was a real friend she would of been happy for you." Daniel said kissing my cheek.
"Yea I guess." I giggled and kissed him.
"You're mine."
"And only mine."

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