chapter 15

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Patience POV:
"Yea we are at the hospital now. Yea. Mhm I'll call you back when we're done. Bye I love you tooooppo" I hung up and walked into the hospital beside Bre.
Bre is now 4 month pregnant. Impossible is still going good and I'm now dating Beau. He saw our live chat a few months ago and heard that I have a huge crush on him. We started talking after that day and last month he said he liked me and we started dating.
"Bre Brooks."
We went into the room and waited like we always do.
I notice Bre looked kinda upset.
"What's wrong Bre?" I asked.
"Anthony has been really distant lately." She said.
It's true. The first month and Bre and Anthony's relationship was them never leaving each others side now he is always out or on his phone .
"And there's something wrong"
"I don't know but I have a feeling that something is wrong with Daniel or maybe it's someone else"
"I'll call be-"
"Hello girls." I was cut off by the doctor.
"Hello sir." We said
Bre laid on the table and he put the gel on her stomach.
"Would you like to know the gender of your baby?" He asked.
Me and Bre looked at each other then nodded.
"Congratulations Miss. Brooks you're having a girl!" He said.
We thanked him and left.
"I'm gonna call Beau and make sure everything is alright."I said once we outside.
She walked over to the car. I dialed Beaus number in.
" hey baby." He spoke giving me butterflies.
"Hey beau!"
'' how was it?"
"It was alright. I called you to ask you something about Daniel."
"What about Daniel?"
"Is everything alright with him? Br-" I was cut off by screaming behind me.
"BRE?!?" I Screamed in horror as I watched the masked man grab her and throw her into a van.
With the phone still inb my hand I darted towards the van and jumped on the guys back.
"Get off of me!" He yelled back.
Suddenly I felt a stinging in my side and I fell to the ground screaming in pain.
"Bre!!!!" I said.
I laid on the ground with blood pouring out of my side and hearing the faint screams of my best friend and beau yelling on the phone.
Daniels POV:
We were all sitting in the living room watching TV when Beaus phone went off.
"Hey baby." He smiled.
It's probably patience.
"How was it?"
He looked at me as he spoke.
"What about Daniel?" He asked.
I mouthed saying 'put it on speaker'
He did and we listened.
"Is everything alright with him? Br-" we were cut off bya loud scream that sounded like Bre.
"BRE?!?" Patience screamed and what sounds like her running.
"LET HER GO YOU CUNT!!" she yelled
I stood up.
"Get off of me!" The man yelled
We heard the phone drop and Patience scream in pain, Bres screams in the background faiding away.
Beau dropped the phone and ran to his room.
He came back out with a jacket and a bag.
He stopped and looked at me.
"Where are you going?" I asked
"To save my sister and future Neice or Nephew."
He pushed past me and opened the door.
"Wait!" I said.
"I'm going too."
I ran to my room and grabbed a bag throwing things in it. I grabbed my jacket and pack of cigarettes and ran to the car.
Bres POV:
I didn't know where I was. It was dark and crammed.
I really missed everyone. The last thing I actually remember is walking over to the car while Patience was on the phone and as I opened the door someone grabbed me and threw me into a van.
I think I might be in the van still cause I heard the engine stopping and a door open.
I realized I had a bag over my head cause I can see a little bit of light coming through.
I felt someone pick me up and carry me into a house or something and I was thrown onto the floor.
The bag was taken off of my head and the ropes on my hands were cut. I scooted back towards the wall.
"W-what do y-you want from m-me?" I stuttered.
"I just want you." The man said.
"Why? What did I do wrong?" I asked
"Oh you didn't do anything but your boyfriend did " He smirked
"What did he do?"
"Well Anthony took something from me, and clearly since he doesn't pay attention to you anymore he won't realize that you're gone but when he does it'll be too late."
"Anthony will come for me!" I yelled
The man just laughed and walked up to me.
"No body is coming for you or your precious baby." He spat and my face and walked out of the room. Locking it.
"Help me!!!!!" I screamed
I ran up to a wall that had a very very small window.
"Help me!" I cried and fell to the ground.
Anthony won't come for me.
Patience POV:
Several hours later

"No please! We have to find her!" I cried to the nurse.
Her and a few more nurses were holding me down.
"Patience you need to rest. Please calm down we will find her!" She finally said.
I gave up and just laid back and cried into my hands. I heard some nurses walk out so I curled up into a ball and screamed. The pain in my side hurting as I moved.
"Babe, you need some rest." I heard someone say.
I looked up to see Beau.
"Beau!" I screamed and pulled him into a hug.
"Hey baby." He mumbled into my neck.
"We have to find Bre!" I said
"That's why we are here." Daniel spoke from behind him.
"Where could she be?"
"I don't know but we will find her."

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